Extensive Patches Of Alopecia Areata On Scalp Of A Girl Were Fully Recovered With Homeopathy

A 8-years-old girl, Miss A. S. A (PIN: 6736) was brought to the clinic by her parents for the complaints of alopecia patches on her head that were present since 1 year. She had developed extensive patches with loss of hair within them, after the use of some shampoo which they doubted to be the cause. The alopecia patches were gradually increasing in the number and size. The progress of the condition was rapid, and she had lost more than half her hair when they reported to us for the treatment. She had no other complaints apart from this.


Her appetite was good, and she was fond of spicy foods and bananas. She disliked sweets and milk. There were no complaints pertaining to her bowels and bladder. She was more comfortable in the cold weather than any other weather, and she disliked warm climate. Her sleep was sound, but she would get frightful dreams very often.

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She stayed with her parents, grandparents, and a younger brother. She was a very friendly and cheerful kid, who would love to move around with her friends. She was good at her studies and was a responsible child. She was active and quite naughty by nature. She was very particular about keeping her things in order, and any disorder would make her very angry and upset. Also, she was quite obstinate and would generally have her way in most of the things. When her parents would insist on her to not to tie her hair very tight or not to comb hair repeatedly, she would never obey them and would do things the way she liked.

She had not suffered from any kind of illness in the past. Her grandmother suffered from hypertension, hypothyroidism, and ischemic heart disease.

Based on the above case history, she was prescribed individualized homeopathic medicine for a period of 2 months.

Two months later, she noted some growth of new hair in the alopecia patches. 

Another 4 months of the treatment showed good results, and her alopecia areata was more than 50% better. Her hair loss continued for some time but was under good control later. 

At the end of about 1 year of the treatment, her alopecia patches recovered completely and she was no longer apprehensive about moving out with her friends. 

The treatment was continued for another 2 months to maintain the good effects and at the end of this period, her treatment was terminated.


This case highlights that homeopathic treatment is quite effective in treating the patches of alopecia areata successfully and safely without any concerns.

Remark: The remedy prescribed in these cases is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that point of time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.

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