After 8 months of treatment, most of the lesions had healed and there were only marks left

This is a case of Mr. S. K. (Patient Identification Number L-10669) a 26 yr old lean dark complexioned male suffering from psoriasis. He had psoriasis since 8 months.There were red colored eruptions with scaling present on scalp, inside ears, legs ,feet , thighs ,back chest ,forearms, abdomen, involving most of the parts of the body with lots of itching which was increasing rapidly.

He had been to various dermatologists and they had extensively treated the psoriasis with local steroids.

His appetite was normal with marked craving for salt. He preferred cold climate.

He was an engineer by profession and came from a well educated family.

There were lot of financial stresses with responsibilities to take care of. He was an introvert with lack of ability to take his own decisions.

His father had eczema. There was no other significant history.

Based on the above totality Dr Shah prescribed him Nat muriaticum 200 with research based remedies for psoriasis.

He started recovering within 2 months of taking the treatment. The redness was less by 50%.

The itching was less by 25%.

In 4 months the spread was controlled. There were no new lesions. The scaling and itching reduced considerably.

In between the treatment he had a mild relapse but he recovered within 1 week.

After 8 months of treatment most of the lesions had settled. There were only marks left.

He is continuing with the treatment further until complete recovery.

(Uploaded on 9 November 2009 by Dr. Alpana)

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