No More Itchy Scalp, Thanks To Homeopathy

Forty-six years old Mr. HVK (patient identification number 25620) visited Life Force Homeopathy in May 2009 for complaints of Seborrhic dermatitis. (He also had diabetic neuropathy, which is described separately in another case study.)

His complaints started in 2007. He used to experience a lot of scaling and itching over the scalp. Gradually thick scab-like lesions started developing over the scalp with oozing of watery discharge from the eruptions. The dermatologist diagnosed the condition as Seborrhic dermatitis. The patient had male pattern baldness, due severe itching, and eruptions he started getting hair-fall and baldness started progressing. He took allopathic medicines for few days with temporary relief. He tried Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment from the local doctor but there was no significant improvement.  

His mother had long-standing complaints of varicose veins.

He could not tolerate hot weather and would drink very less water. He would perspire profusely whenever he would go out in sun. He would prefer a vegetarian diet, would eat eggs occasionally. His wound healing was slow. 

He was staying in Dubai for six years along with his wife and son. His parents used to stay in Mumbai. He was working with a finance firm and his wife was a banker. There was a lot of financial and job stress. He wanted to work in Mumbai but due to some circumstances he left his job there. He was not getting a good job in Mumbai so shifted to Dubai for the job. He was calm and reserved kind of a person whereas wife was little aggressive. He was anxious about the health of his mother as he was staying away from parents. He used to feel that due to his lack of confidence he was not getting a good job here in Mumbai. 

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With all the case details Dr. Shah analyzed the case and prescribed research-based medicines for the patient. 

In August 2009 patient reported some improvement in his Seborrhic dermatitis. He experienced some relief in itching and scaling though the lesions were still there with oozing of discharge. He was getting hair fall as well. After analyzing the feedback Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines.

The patient could not continue the medicine due to some personal issues so he stopped medicines in 2009. 

In May 2015 patient again visited Life Force as he shifted back to India and got some improvement with medicines in 2009. He reported that he used to experience a lot of scaling and itching over the scalp. Gradually thick scab-like lesions started developing over the scalp. He was taking Isotretinoin 25 mg a retinoic acid tablet every alternate day since 2010 as prescribed by a dermatologist. With this tablet, the symptoms were under control but there was no complete recovery from Seborrhic dermatitis. 

He also mentioned about his diabetes, diagnosed in 2013. There were sudden weakness and weight loss for which he got investigated. His blood sugar level was more than 450 mg/dl and glycosylated hemoglobin was 12.5 IU indicating poor blood sugar control. The physician prescribed him conventional medicines i.e. tab. Janumet 50/500 once in a day to be taken daily. Gradually his blood sugar level was under control with the conventional line of treatment but he developed diabetic neuropathy. 

He had associated complaints of constipation. He used to get hard stools and would strain to pass stools. He also had sleep apnoea. He would snore during sleep due to which his sleep was inadequate. He would feel sleepy whole day and would develop easy fatigue.  

With all the case details Dr. Shah analyzed the case and prescribed medicines for the patient. 

In September 2015 patient reported improvement in his Seborrhic dermatitis. The itching and scaling were better by twenty-five percent. The lesions were started healing and the discharge from the eruptions was less. He continued Tab. Isotretinoin 25 mg every alternate day. He also reported that the constipation was better by seventy-five percent. Dr. Shah upgraded the prescription after the follow-up.

In December 2015 patient reported around 80-90 percent improvement in Seborrhic dermatitis. He got complete relief in itching. The scaling and dandruff were very minimal. He would get the scab like eruptions very occasionally with minimal scaling. The hair fall reduced by fifty percent. He continued Tab. Isotretinoin 25 mg every alternate day. His constipation was completely better. His bowel habit was regular and without any straining. Dr. Shah analyzed the follow-up and prescribed medicines for the patient. 

In September 2016 the patient was completely free from Seborrhic dermatitis. There was no itching, scaling or eruptions on the scalp. The patient stopped taking Tab. Isotretinoin 25 mg. The patient was very happy as he got complete relief not only in Seborrhic dermatitis but in diabetic neuropathy as well with homeopathic treatment. The patient is continuing the treatment at Life Force for his other complaints. 

Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for Seborrhoeic dermatitis during all stages. Cases treated specially in the early stages show much better results. However, old cases of Seborrhoeic dermatitis also respond very well but would require time. Most cases approach for homeopathic treatment only after failing with the conventional medicines, unfortunately. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Seborrhoeic dermatitis.

(Case study by Dr. Aparna H. at Life Force)

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