Homeopathy Surprises A 48-Year-Old Man with Fissure In Ano In Just 2 Months!

A 48-year-old male patient, Named Mr. R.J, came to us and was diagnosed with FISSURE IN ANO. He was suffering from this ailment from past 4-5 months. His complaints started with a sudden episode of per rectal bleeding, followed by severe pain and burning in anus. The patient took allopathic treatment for 4-5 months but it gave only temporary relief. The patient was ultimately advised for surgery for the same complaints from his surgeon but he was reluctant for surgery and that's how he started with Dr. Shah’s homeopathic treatment.


The patient was also taking regular medicines for his other complaint being, IH (ischemic heart disease.) from last 1 year i.e. 2015. He was hospitalized once as he suffered from a major M.I (heart attack) and angiography and angioplasty were done. His medicines include:
1.Tab. Roseay 10 mg- OD
2.Tab. Clopitab A-150 mg
3.Tab. Starpress Xl 25 mg-OD
4.Tab. Eritiel 20 mg, OD
5.Tab. Stanlip 145 mg (Alternate days)


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The patient had a vegetarian diet with a great desire for sweets. He was a smoker (3-4 cigarettes/day). He was neither sensitive to cold weather nor hot.


He is an owner of the fabric manufacturing company in Bhivandi. His wife was a homemaker. His elder son is in MBA last year while his younger son is completing his B.A.M.S (Ayurveda) 2nd year.


As a person, he was a very short tempered in nature and was quite dominating at his workplace. Work had to be done according to him otherwise, he would get very agitated and irritable. He used to have a lot of anxiety related to his work and stressed because of it.


The patient mentioned that his sister also suffered from FISSURE IN ANO. His mother had IHD and high levels of cholesterol. His real brother also suffered from FISSURE IN ANO and high levels of cholesterol.


1st follow-up: 1/10/2016:  In the very first follow-up there was 80% relief to the patient in his signs and symptoms. Burning sensation in anus reduced by 80%. Pricking pain reduced by 70-80%, straining for stools reduced to 80% and unsatisfactory stools reduced by 70%. There was no episode of P/R bleeding or mass or tag felt at the anus.


The patient is taking SITZ bath every day now. He is continuing his medicines for IHD.


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