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Case Studies

47 year old male patient, Mr. V. D. (Patient ref. no.: 2623), discovered accidentally that he had Hepatitis– C in 2005 during the blood test for life insurance company. At this time, his viral load was 23,000,000 IU/ML. Genotype of the virus was 1. Liver biopsy showed minimal damage to the .....Read more

Mrs. P. S. visited our clinic on 8th October 2007 from Bangalore. Her Patient Identification Number is 8336. She was a home maker, 30 years old and mother of 2 daughters. She had delivered her 2nd daughter 3.5 months back. She had started with Urticaria and angioedema complaints a month after the.....Read more

Twenty-seven year old male, Mr S.S (Patient Identification Number -23810) visited our clinic on 13th Oct 2014. He was suffering from molluscum contagiosum on his mustache, left and right side of the cheeks and neck. The eruptions were gradually increasing since last four to five months. On detailed .....Read more
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Treatment of Hypertension in Homeopathy explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

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