Dr. Rajesh Shah

Homeopathic Treatment for Granulomatous

Granulomatous Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory popular skin condition affecting mostly the upper part of the face, particularly developing around eyes and nose. This is an uncommon disease. Sometimes the papules can be nodular surrounded by marked erythema or redness. It may sometime cause scarring of the skin.


It is caused by deranged immunity of the body. It is an immune system disorder where the white blood cells or phagocytes which are supposed to fight against the infection causing organisms, do not work properly. As a result the person contracts many fungal and bacterial infections of various parts of the body including the skin. This is a genetic disorder.


Treatment for Granulomatous Rosacea

  • It presents itself in the form of hard brownish yellow or reddish, nodular or papular lesions on the skin.
  • It may sometimes develop in a butterfly shape around the nose and the cheeks or on the &T'zone of the face.
  • These lesions are known to leave scarring on the skin.


Usually, the diagnosis is done on the basis of skin lesions and history given by the patients. There is no particular test to diagnose the Granulomatous Rosacea.

Conventional treatment:

Conventional treatment includes prescription of oral antibiotics and local application (cream, gels or lotions) for the skin lesions.

Surgical approach:

When there is severe scarring of the skin, the conventional doctor may advise the patients to undergo the laser treatment and electro surgery for the removal of scar tissues and visible blood vessels.

Role of homeopathy:

Homeopathic medicines work at the immune level and correct the deranged immunity. Correction of immunity may help in the healing of the eruptions and prevention of the new eruptions on the skin.

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force, recommends use of homeopathic medicines for the treatment of Granulomatous Rosacea. However, we have very little experience as yet (2014). One of the cases under treatment at Life Force has been shown on this page.

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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