H Pylori Homeopathic Treatment and It’s Medicine List

The meaning of H. Pylori is Helicobacter Pylori. These are the kind of bacteria that are most commonly found to be affecting the gastrointestinal tract of human being. They are responsible for causing peptic ulcers as well as stomach cancer.

Symptoms of H. Pylori infection:

The patient complains of gnawing, burning, and twitching pain in the stomach especially when he is fasting, or he may experience pain typically 2 or 3 hours after eating food. Usually, the patient wakes up at night in pain. He takes a small quantity of food like biscuits or cold milk. Eating food in small quantities relieves the pain and again patient goes to sleep. This is the most characteristic symptom described by the patients affected with H. Pylori infection.

H-Pylori infection

Other symptoms include

Sometimes, a patient complains of passing black-colored stools or vomiting of blood or coffee ground vomitus.

  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Burping
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of weight

This is an alarming symptom. It is a sign of emergency and requires immediate hospitalization of the patient.

Causes of infection with H. Pylori:

The exact cause of H. Pylori infection is unknown. But it is found that the spread of infection takes place via the feco-oral route. This means contaminated water, food and lack of personal hygiene like not washing hands properly with soap and water after using the bathroom leads to infection with H.pylori.

Diagnosis of H. Pylori infection:

Following tests are done for the diagnosis of H.Pylori infection.

Endoscopy: A long, thin, flexible tube with a camera at one end is passed through the mouth of the patient. It is passed down further through the stomach and upper part of the duodenum. Through the camera, the doctor can detect any ulcer or erosion in the stomach or other parts of the G. I. tract.

Urea breath test: This is done to check whether any gas is produced by the bacteria present in the body.

Barium X-ray: In this test, patients are made to drink a special chalky liquid. And then the X-rays are taken. The chalky liquid helps in detecting the presence of the ulcer in the esophagus, duodenum, or stomach.

Blood test: This helps in detecting antibodies against H. pylori infection.

Stool test: This shows the presence of occult blood and evidence of infection.

Treatment of H. Pylori:

Conventionally, the infection with H.Pylori is treated symptomatically by prescribing antacids, painkillers, and antibiotics to the patient. When the patient gives a history of bloody or coffee-colored vomiting or passing tarry or black stools, then the patient has to be admitted to the hospital. This is a sign that the patient requires close medical attention.

Treatment of H. Pylori with homeopathy:

H pylori homeopathic medicines are found to be very useful in treating the recurrent cases of H. Pylori infections. They act by improving digestion and reducing fatigue in patients. When the treatment is started in the early stage, small ulcers and erosions can be healed with the help of homeopathic medicines. Some of the best homeopathic medicines for h pylori are Phosphorous, Calcarea Carbonica, Nitric Acid, etc. which are found to be helpful in the treatment of H. Pylori infection.

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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H Pylori Case Studies

A 47-years-old patient, Mr. B. M. (PIN 30386), who was residing in Gujarat, presented with the complaints of severe burning in the retrosternal & epigastric region, food regurgitation, sensation as if something is stuck behind the sternum, nausea, sour water brash, & eructations. He also .....Read more

A 37-years-old male, Mr. P.E. (PIN 31149) visited Life Force on 30th January 2017 with a complaint of H Pylori. The patient was suffering from this complaint from the last 10 years. His disease had progressed significantly from the last two years. He was suffering from the stomach pain, nausea, v.....Read more

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