Homeopathy for Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis, also referred to as painful bladder syndrome or bladder pain syndrome, is a chronic disorder of the urinary bladder. Interstitial means 'in-between layers' and 'cystitis' means inflammation of the urinary bladder.

It is termed a chronic inflammatory condition of the mucosal and sub-mucosal layers of the bladder causing chronic pain or discomfort, urine urgency and increased urine frequency. The signs and symptoms of interstitial cystitis are very similar to urinary tract infections, urethritis, prostatitis, or any other bacterial infection of the urinary system. Interstitial cystitis is more common in females than in males and is found to occur in middle-aged people.

Mechanism and structure of urinary bladder:

Urine, which is formed in the kidneys, flows through the ureter and enters the hollow, balloon-shaped organ called the urinary bladder. The bladder is a muscular structure with elastic walls, which expands during the storage of urine and contracts while excretion of urine. The bladder is covered with epithelial lining, which is a barrier between urine and bladder muscles and prevents any bacterial infections. Urine is thrown out of the body through a tube-like structure called urethra.

Causes Interstitial cystitis

The causes of interstitial cystitis are unknown. Yet, there are many theories, which demonstrate the underlying cause. Some of them are:

01 A defect in the epithelium allows the toxic substances in urine to come in contact with the bladder and irritate the bladder

02 Inflammatory cells called mast cells release histamines and other harmful chemicals in the bladder

03 Changes in the nerve responses of the bladder

04Auto-immune response of the body attacking the bladder

05 Production of toxic substances in the urine

06 Hereditary factors

07 Some allergies

Over and above this, physical and mental stress and prolonged anxiety are also responsible for triggering the condition. Certain foods and drinks also worsen the condition in some people with interstitial cystitis.

Often people with interstitial cystitis are likely to suffer from other chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, systemic lupus erythematous, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, allergies, anxiety disorder, other pain syndromes etc.

Symptoms Interstitial cystitis

The signs and symptoms may vary from person to person. It is also observed that there may be a period of complete remission and the signs and symptoms relapse after a certain period of remission. Some of the commonly experienced symptoms are:

01 Pain associated with filling up of bladder and relieved after emptying of the bladder

02 Increased urine frequency in the day as well as night

03 Urine urgency

04Pressure in the bladder or discomfort in the suprapubic area

05 Passing urine stream after waiting for sometime

06 Painful sexual intercourse

07 Pain or discomfort in the perineum

08 Tenderness over the pelvic area

09 Burning sensation while passing urine

10 Discomfort while performing daily activities

11 Women may experience an increase in symptoms during menstruation and men may feel pain in the scrotum or penis while ejaculation.

Patients may experience some or a combination of these symptoms with varying intensity.


There is no definite test available to identify interstitial cystitis. However, interstitial cystitis can be ruled out by excluding other similar disease conditions.

Other similar conditions are:

  • Urinary tract infection
  • Chronic prostatitis in men
  • Eosinophilic or tuberculous cystitis
  • Bladder cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Kidney stones
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Neurological disorders
  • The tests required to diagnose these conditions are urinalysis, urine culture, cystoscopy, potassium sensitivity test, biopsy, and culture for prostate secretions.

These investigations also help in finding out changes in interstitial cystitis in the bladder wall. In interstitial cystitis, the inflammation of the bladder wall leads to scarring and stiffness of the bladder wall. There may be pin-point bleeding (petechial hemorrhages) on the wall of the bladder. Some may develop severe patches of inflammation and broken skin of the bladder called as Hunner's ulcers.

Treatment of Interstitial cystitis

There is no specific treatment for interstitial cystitis. Some treatments which are found to be helpful in relieving the symptoms and managing IC are:

  • Oral medications include heparin like drug substances, antidepressants, antihistamines, and NSAID's
  • Bladder distension
  • Instilling medications into the bladder for quick response
  • Surgeries like fulguration for burning Hunner's ulcers, resection to remove the ulcers, bladder augmentation to remove damaged areas of the bladder and in some cases bladder removal
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  • Physiotherapy
  • Bladder training
  • Dietary changes; avoiding bladder irritants like alcohol, carbonated beverages, citrus products, chocolates, and all caffeine products
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Reducing stress
  • Wearing loose clothes
  • Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition, which has periods of remission and relapse; there is no effective treatment, which helps in preventing the relapse or slowing the progression of the disease.

Homeopathic treatment for Interstitial cystitis

The Homeopathic treatment approach is to treat the cause as much as possible and whenever known. If it is difficult to perceive the exact cause, which often happens, the homeopathic treatment is designed to manage the symptoms. Significant relief in symptoms can be archived using homeopathy. Recurring infections affecting the urinary bladder can reduce drastically reducing the need for courses of antibiotics; which itself is a good contribution to the overall health of the patient.

Some of the commonly used homeopathic medicines for interstitial cystitis are Sepia, Staphysagria, Medorrhinum, Cantharis, Lycopodium clavatum, Calcaria sulphuricum, Hepar sulphuricum, Kali carbonicum, and more; which are chosen on the basis of the patient's state of health, extent of the disease and the nature of symptoms.

Here are the brief indications of the mentioned homeopathic remedies for interstitial cystitis:

  1. Sepia: Sepia homeopathy for interstitial cystitis is indicated for intense burning during urination specifically in females prone to recurrent UTIs. There is a dragging sensation in the pelvic region associated with urinary complaints. The complaints are worse during menses and menopause with pressure in the pelvic region. There is sensation of a prolapse and heaviness in the urinary bladder.  It is indicated for women who feel worn out, particularly after exertion.
  2. Staphysagria: Staphysagria is indicated for cases of interstitial cystitis with a persistent urge to urinate with little relief often linked with emotional disturbances. There is extreme sensitivity in the bladder, a feeling of soreness, and the region is tender to touch. The pains are sharp, cutting often described as being sliced by a knife. The urinary complaints are worse after sexual intercourse with sharp pains. There is pressure in the bladder even after urination. It is indicated for cases of interstitial cystitis which begins to happen post-surgery or after instrumentation.
  3. Medorrhinum: Medorrhinum homeopathic medicine for interstitial cystitis is often indicated in individuals with a history of sexually transmitted infections and recurrent bladder issues. There is intense burning pain during urination sometimes extending to the urethra. It is useful in cases where the patient has a history of chronic, recurring urinary tract infections. The bladder symptoms are temporarily better with heavy discharge.
  4. Cantharis: In interstitial cystitis, homeopathy Cantharis is indicated in cases wherein there is a strong urge to pass the urine however only a small quantity of urine is passed.  The pain is severe burning pain before, during, and after urination as if scalded. It is indicated in cases where blood is present in the urine with sharp, cutting pains. The complaints are worse with any movement or jarring of the body. There is a tendency for recurrent bladder infections.
  5. Calcarea sulphuricum: Calcarea sulphuricum is indicated in cases of interstitial cystitis when there is the presence of pus in the urine. There is stinging burning pain during urination. There is chronic ongoing inflammation in the urinary tract leading to persistent long-standing discomfort. The complaints are worse in cold, damp environments.
  6. Hepar sulphuricum: Hepar sulphuricum is useful in cases of interstitial cystitis with the following symptoms, there is pain with pressure, and even light pressure on the bladder area causes severe discomfort. The urine has a strong, offensive, unpleasant smell. There is a tendency to form abscesses in the urinary tract. The patient is highly sensitive to pain, especially in the bladder area. The complaints are worse with exposure to cold air and drafts. The infections in the bladder are slow to resolve. The patient feels extreme chilliness even in a warm room.
  7. Kali carbonicum: Kali carbonicum is used when urinary complaints are associated with bloating and abdominal fullness. The lower back pain accompanies urinary discomfort, especially in the kidney area. The pains are sharp, stitching in the bladder and lower abdomen extending to the back. They get highly irritable and anxious about their health, particularly during interstitial cystitis flare-ups.


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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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