Homeopathic Treatment for Low Sex Drive (Low of Libido)

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder - HSDD

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a health condition identified by the enduring or recurring lack of sexual desire, leading to notable distress or challenges in interpersonal relationships. This condition can impact both men and women, with approximately 15% of men and more than 30% of women encountering this issue.

Low sex drive is a complicated and multifaceted issue because it is influenced by several factors. Hormonal irregular characteristics, remembering interruptions for testosterone, oestrogen, and progesterone levels, can fundamentally influence libido. Mental factors, like depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues part in lessening sexual longing.

Different ailments, including ongoing sicknesses like diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses, as well as neurological problems, can add to HSDD. Prescriptions, like specific antidepressants and antihypertensives, may have incidental effects that adversely influence sexual drive. A decline in sexual desire can also be caused by factors like a lack of sleep, drug abuse, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Age-related changes, such as menopause in women and andropause in men, can bring about hormonal shifts influencing sexual desire. Body image issues, cultural and societal expectations, and past trauma or abuse can further impact one's attitude towards sex and contribute to low libido.

Recognizing the complex nature of HSDD emphasizes the significance of embracing a comprehensive approach to its treatment. Consulting with healthcare specialists, such as sex therapists, urologists, gynecologists, and mental health professionals, is essential to pinpoint the specific factors influencing the condition and devise a personalized treatment plan. Attending to both the physical and mental dimensions of HSDD can assist individuals in rediscovering a satisfying sexual life.

Let us look at the most common factors which contribute towards low sex drive.

In men, the following are the common causes:

  • Stress
  • Lack of spark in marriage life
  • Alcohol or/and smoking, drugs
  • Drugs: Drugs depression, hypertension, painkillers
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Low levels of testosterone hormone
  • Hypothyroid (Underactive thyroid)
  • Anxiety, depression or other emotional diseases

In women, one must check the following common factors:

  • Stress
  • Lack of love in marriage life
  • Childbirth
  • Reduced blood supply to the vagina, leading to painful intercourse
  • Hypothyroid (Underactive thyroid) (More common than in men)
  • Contraceptive pills
  • Alcohol, smoking, drugs
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Nerve injury following removal of the uterus (hysterectomy)
  • Drugs: Drugs depression, hypertension, pain killers
  • Anxiety, depression or other emotional diseases
  • Traumatic events in childhood such as child abuse

Symptoms of Low Sex Drive (Loss of Libido):

Indications of reduced sexual desire (Diminished libido):

While a gradual decline in sexual appetite is commonly observed, a sudden onset may necessitate investigation for potential neurological issues. Symptoms such as a lack of enjoyment during sexual activity, reluctance to engage in sexual activities, and a decreased interest in sex may manifest. If these signs persist, it is essential to consult healthcare professionals to explore potential causes, rule out neurological concerns, and determine appropriate interventions to address the issue.

Individuals experiencing this condition may notice:

1) Reduced sexual thoughts and fantasies: A decline in the frequency of sexual thoughts and fantasies is a common symptom.

2) Lack of interest in initiation: Individuals with low libido may show a diminished desire to initiate sexual activity or respond to their partner's advances.

3) Decreased sexual activity: There is a noticeable reduction in the frequency of engaging in sexual activities.

4) Trouble getting excited: Men might encounter trouble accomplishing or keeping an erection, while women might have difficulties with excitement and lubrication.

5) Emotional distress: Low sex drive often leads to emotional distress, affecting one's overall well-being and causing strain in relationships.

6) A lack of energy and fatigue: Sensations of exhaustion and a general absence of energy can add to a reduced interest in sexual action.

7) Negative impact on relationships: Low libido can lead to relationship issues, as the lack of sexual intimacy may cause frustration and dissatisfaction for both partners.

Ask yourself the following questions to determine if your sex drive is reducing:

  • Is the sexual act becoming less frequent? (Well, this is not the only parameter.)
  • Does it so happen that your partner has to put attempt to arouse you?
  • Is it so that your partner says: "You do not seem to enjoy sex as much nowadays."?
  • No more condoms at home, and avoid buying!
  • Feeling lazy to "start"
  • Sex has become more mechanical and less dynamic.
  • Ask your partner, if he/she has observed a change in your sex desire pattern


Clinical investigations by a good doctor will help. Common laboratory investigations include hormonal tests for Thyroid disorders, tests for diabetes. Special investigations may be required in case of significant loss of erection in men and indications of neurological symptoms in women.

Treatment for Loss of Libido:

Treatment depends on the cause behind low sex drive.

  • If there is a treatable disease in the background, get treated. E.g. Hypothyroid, diabetes, etc
  • Improve interpersonal relationships with your partner
  • Reduce weight if you are obese
  • Reduce stress
  • Change over to gentle medicines such as homeopathy, for depression, and anxiety disorders, if that is the underlying cause
  • Bring romance, love and affection into your love life. Re-kindle the "spark."
  • Take homeopathic medicines, if indicated

Homeopathic Treatment for Low Sex Drive:

Homeopathy helps to treat the underlying disease which may be responsible for low sex drive, as suggested above. There are several cases in which low sex drive may be present without any other disease in the background. Homeopathy offers promising results in improving low sex drive. It helps in the following ways:

  • Treating the underlying disease
  • Treatment of Erectile dysfunction
  • Reducing stress and improving your stress-coping system
  • Replacing your antidepressant and anti-anxiety medicines, whenever possible
  • Enhancing your moods and stimulating your sex drive

Homeopathy is strongly recommended in cases of Low sex drive or Loss of Libido.

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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