Homeopathic Treatment for Nekam’s Disease

Nekam's disease is an extremely rare chronic and progressive disease of the skin affecting the people between 20 to 40 years of age.

The scientific term for Nekam's disease is Keratosis lichenoides chronica. This disease was first described and studied by a scientist called Nekam in the year 1938. Being a rare disease condition, only about 70 cases are documented from the world over. It is a difficult disease to manage.

Causes of Nekam's disease:

The exact cause of development of Nekam's disease is not very well known.

Body parts affected by Nekam's disease:

Nekam's disease affects skin and mucocutaneous junctions. Mucocutaneous junction means the junction between the skin and mucous membrane. This includes lips, mouth, corners of the eyes, genitals etc.
Nikam's disease affects affects the body parts such as trunk, hands, feet, buttocks etc.

Symptoms of Nekam's disease:

  • Nekam's disease is characterized by abnormal thickening, redness and scaling of the skin of the affected body part.
  • When it affects the oral cavity it produces oral ulcers in the mouth.
  • It can cause ulcers on genitals also.
  • Nails tend to become thick and disfigured with yellowish discoloration.

Diagnosis of Nekam's disease:

Biopsy of skin helps in the diagnosing the disease. A tiny piece of skin is taken from the affected part of the body and sent for the microscopic examination.

Management of Nekam's disease:

Nekam's disease is a very difficult disease condition to be treated conventionally; being a rare disease.

Role of homeopathy in treating Nekam's disease:

Nekam's disease is a difficult to treat condition, homeopathic medicines if given by an experienced homeopath, can help in reducing the progress of the disease, reducing the intensity of the symptoms of the disease and thereby giving relief to the patient.
It is worthwhile to note that Nekam's disease being a chronic disease condition; the treatment may take a long time with any kind of medication.

Related Conditions: Lichen Planus

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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