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Case Studies

An 11-year-old obese child, Mst R.K.M (PIN: 19480) visited the clinic of Life Force on 18th July 2012 with a bad coughing spell. His complaints had started bothering him 8 months back. He was suffering from a continuous episode of cough which continued for 2-3 months, and he was not responding to.....Read more

A 49-years-old businessman from Rajasthan, India, Mr. M.Y. (PIN: 16359) reported at Life Force in June 2011. He had been suffering from a non-healing varicose ulcer on his right leg for the last 3 years. The ulcer was large, about 6-8 cm in diameter, with a reddish raw surface and an offensive di.....Read more

25 years old Miss T. M. A. visited Life Force on 8th February, 2013. Her patient identification number is 20621. She was suffering from cold and cough since two month. It had increased since last 1 week. She had been taking antibiotics since a month, but there was no relief. She was having pain i.....Read more

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Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

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