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Case Studies

21 year old male, K. K. C. (Patient reference number S5218) reported to the clinic for complaints of genital lesions since the last 7 months. He has developed multiple large, reddened, cauliflower-like, fleshy growths all around the shaft of his penis. These lesions had been increasing in size an.....Read more

42 years old, Mr. W. A. (Patient Identification Number - 13117) visited our center on 30th December 2009. He was suffering from Sinusitis and Anosmia since 2 years. Since 6 month heexperienced blockage of nose and breathing difficulty, daily. He would breathe through mouth. He was advised surgery.....Read more

Homeopathy effortlessly relieves the pain of Calcaneal Spur pain

Mrs. A. S., a fifty-nine-year-old housewife (Patient Identification Numb.....Read more

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Can homeopathy cure Cataract? No. Says, Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Rajesh Shah sharing 28 years of experience in Psoriasis treatment

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD explains why are some people against homeopathy?

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