PCOS/ PCOD Homeopathy Treatment & Medicine Details


What is PCOD?

PCOD (Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease) or PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a disease characterized by multiple (‘poly’) cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries.

Patients with PCOD have abnormal levels of hormones that result in irregular menses, infertility and certain masculine changes in the body.


What causes PCOD?

PCOS problems are caused by hormone changes the hormonal imbalance. One hormone change triggers another, which changes another.

  1. Raised levels of Testosterone – Androgens or "male hormones," although all women make small amounts of androgens...Higher than normal androgen levels in women can prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) during each menstrual cycle. Excess androgen produced by the theca cells of the ovaries, due either to hyperinsulinemia or increased luteinizing hormone (LH) levels.
  1. Raised levels of Luteinising Hormone (LH) –  Due to increased production from the anterior pituitary. This stimulates ovulation but may have an abnormal effect on the ovaries if levels are too high.
  1. low levels of Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) – A protein in the blood, which binds to testosterone and reduces the effect of testosterone.
  1. Raised levels of Prolactin - Hormone that stimulates the breast glands to produce milk during pregnancy.
  1. High levels of Insulin (a hormone that helps convert sugars and starches into energy) If you have insulin resistance, your ability to use insulin effectively is impaired, and also your pancreas has to secrete more insulin to make glucose available to cells (so, hyperinsulinaemia) Excess insulin might also affect the ovaries by increasing androgen production, which may interfere with the ovaries' ability to ovulate.

 A significant hereditary component, if your mother or sister has PCOS, you're more likely to have it.

If you're overweight, your chances of developing it are greater. As weight gain increases insulin resistance. Fatty tissues are hormonally active and they produce estrogen which disrupts ovulation.


What are the symptoms of PCOD?

Generally, the patient presents with the following symptoms:

Various hormones of the body operate in harmony to regularize the smooth functioning of all systems including the reproductive system.

The disturbance of the hormonal mechanism makes the ovaries produce an excessive amount of the male reproductive hormones (androgens) and at the same time, there is a failure of egg formation. This excess of androgens with the absence of ovulation may cause infertility.

With this understanding, that the disturbed hormonal functioning of the body lies at the root of PCOD, it can be easily perceived that this constitutional disorder will require a constitutional approach to its rectification.

The homeopathic approach to the management of PCOD is constitutional, taking into account the presenting complaints along with physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualizes a person. Homeopathic medicines that act at the root level can bring back deviations of the hormonal system back to normalcy and in many cases abolish the need for exogenous hormones with their side effects and complicated surgical procedures. Moreover, with this hormonal harmony, chances of conception increase significantly.

How is PCOD diagnosed?

  1. Typical medical history:  Regular/ irregular menstrual cycles, heavy/scanty menstrual flow, the need to take hormonal tablets (progestins) to induce a period, etc.
  1.  Physical Signs: Often obese and may have hirsutism, (excessive facial and body hair) as a result of the high androgen levels. 
  1. Diagnosis can be confirmed by vaginal Ultrasound (USG pelvis)  shows that both the ovaries are enlarged; the bright central stroma is increased, and there are multiple small cysts in the ovaries. These cysts are usually arranged in the form of a necklace along the periphery of the ovary
  1.  Blood levels of hormones:
  • High LH (luteinizing hormone) level; and a Normal FSH level (follicle stimulating hormone) i.e. a reversal of the LH: FSH ratio, which is normally 1:1.
  • Elevated levels of androgens (a high dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) level);
  • Fasting cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
  • Glucose tolerance test.


Diet for PCOD:

Polycystic ovarian disease is a common hormonal disorder found in one out of 10 women. Women suffer from irregular menses, and unusual hair growth on the body and most of them gain weight too. Others may not show any symptoms and have a normal body type along with small cysts in the ovaries. Females are noted to have a predisposition to PCOD or it may also run into families. A right diet with adequate exercise has shown great results in PCOD recovery.

The dos and don’ts in a PCOD diet:

  • Diet should be dominated by lots of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Avoid dairy products as much as possible.
  • Lean cuts of chicken and fish can be taken. But avoid red meat.
  • Hydrate yourself well by having a minimum of 2-3 liters of water/day, coconut water, buttermilk, vegetable soups, and smoothies. Avoid aerated drinks and sugary foods.
  • Eat unsaturated fats and delete saturated and hydrogenated fats from your diet. Always check the label of the product while buying them.
  • Binge on whole wheat products like wheat pasta, wheat poha and avoid maida, suji 
  • Brown rice in and white rice should be out of your diet. Red rice is also found to be rich in antioxidants which can be used as a substitute for white rice.
  • Include natural herbs in your diet like flax seeds, methi seeds, coriander, cinnamon.
  • Include millets like barley, ragi, quinoa, and oats. They are known to cool your body.
  • Say Yes to walnuts, almonds and no to cashews
  • Whole pulses like skinned green moong dal, chana dal, yellow moong dal, whole pulses to be included in various preparations.

 Junk foods to avoid for PCOS 

Junk foods to avoid for PCOSFoods not to have for PCOS/PCOD


  • Eat small meals frequently throughout the day, and maintain a low salt diet to avoid water retention. So it is a ‘Yes’ to salads and ‘No’ to pickles and papads.
  • Exercise for 30- 40 minutes daily (Brisk walking, yoga, and meditation)
  • Never skip your breakfast. Avoid junk, and carry home food whenever and wherever possible. Sleep right and avoid stress. There may be individual variations in the diet as per the state of health.


What is the best homeopathic treatment for PCOD?

The human body has been perfectly enabled by nature to keep itself disease-free. It is only when the immunity or its own internal vitality is deranged that the body becomes incapable of keeping itself disease-free. Therefore Homeopathy tries to restore the balance of that vitality. Once the vitality regains its original balance, it is able to nurse itself back to health without any external aid.

  • Homeopathic medicines correct the hormonal imbalance & neutralize its negative effects.
  • The cysts dissolve gradually and can be checked in the next f/u after 3-6 months of starting the treatment, by repeating the USG pelvis.
  • The menstrual cycle gets regularized. Other complaints, including acne and hair growth on the face, are also taken care of.
  • It opens the possibility of becoming fertile in the future for women to bear pregnancy.


Which homeopathic medicines give the best results in PCOD treatment?

    • Menses are suppressed, scanty, or short and that appears too late.
    • The character of menstrual blood is dark, black, pale, clotted, or highly changeable.
    • The peculiar constitutional symptoms for use of Pulsatilla are a mild, gentle, sensitive, emotional nature in women,
    • A tendency to weep and timidity.
    • A lack of thirst and a need for open air.
  • SEPIA:
    • Facial hair appears especially on the chin and upper lip.
    • Irregular, feeble menses or suppressed periods.
    • Menstrual irregularity is an intense bearing down sensation in the pelvis.
    • Indifference to family members
    • Irritability, aversion to the occupation, sadness.
  • THUJA:
    • Hair growth on the face and body and retarded periods of scanty duration. During periods, pain may be felt in the left ovary.
  • Other homeopathic medicines useful in PCOD:


How do other treatments work for PCOD?

  • Lifestyle changes:

    • Weight loss
    • Low-calorie diet
    • Moderate exercise activities
  • Medications (Hormone Therapy):

    • To regulate your menstrual cycle.
      • a) Combination birth control pills — pills that contain both Estrogen and Progestin.
      • b) Progesterone for 10 to 14 days every one to two months.
      • c) Metformin, an oral medication for type 2 diabetes that improves insulin resistance and lowers insulin levels.
    • To help you ovulate:
      • If you're trying to become pregnant
      • a) Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) is an oral anti-estrogen medication to take in the first part of your menstrual cycle.
      • b) Metformin may be added to help induce ovulation.
      • c) Gonadotropins — follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) medications, administered by injection.
      • d) Letrozole works to stimulate the ovaries.
    • To reduce excessive hair growth:
      • a) Birth control pills to decrease androgen production
      • b) Spironolactone that blocks the effects of androgens on the skin.
      • b) Eflornithine is another medication possibility; the cream slows facial hair growth in women.
  • Surgery:

    • Laparoscopic Ovarian Cauterisation or
    • Ovarian Drilling or
    • LEOS (laparoscopic electrocauterization of ovarian stroma).

This should be reserved for women with PCOD who have large ovaries with increased stroma on ultrasound scanning.

Destroying the abnormal ovarian tissue helps to restore normal ovarian function and helps to induce ovulation. 

Frequently Asked Questions On PCOD

  1. I have been recently diagnosed with PCOD. Is it a serious health problem?

Do not worry if you have been recently diagnosed with PCOD. Early diagnosis is not as serious as the one which is diagnosed later, after an advanced pathology. The earlier this condition is detected, the less intense are the symptoms and the easier it is to prevent the complications. With our experience, we have also observed that early diagnosed cases of PCOD need lesser treatment time compared to long-standing or conventionally treated cases of PCOD. A delay in promptly diagnosing the condition may lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, etc.

  1. Can PCOD create a problem for pregnancy?

Since hormonal imbalance in the body, you may be at risk of developing complications during pregnancy. You might need to struggle to get pregnant due to the irregular menstrual cycles. However, early detection and proper management of symptoms through homeopathy can help you get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

  1. Is PCOD hereditary?

PCOD is a familial condition. If your mother was suffering from PCOD, you are at a high risk of suffering from this hormonal disorder. However, it is not always necessary that you will be suffering from it. One may have a tendency of developing PCOD. It is important to know that genetically linked PCOD is more challenging to treat than the non-genetic type.

Explore this site to know more and click here to get started with the treatment online. 

  1. Can PCOD be prevented?

Yes, PCOD can be prevented. Since obesity is directly proportional to PCOD, maintaining a healthy weight can help you prevent obesity and PCOD. Lead an active lifestyle by exercising regularly. Restrict fat and sugar intake, which helps in reducing androgen and insulin levels, thereby preventing the risk of PCOD. (Reference link: ).

  1.  I have been recently detected by having cysts on my ovaries, but my periods are regular. Will I develop PCOD?

Firstly, cysts in the ovaries are not typically harmful. Secondly, females suffering from can have normal periods. You are fortunate to have developed only polycystic ovaries and not the full-fledged disease (PCOD) yet.

  1. Is PCOD curable?

There are various factors that govern the curability of PCOD. The age, genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, and associated diseases play a major role in deciding whether this disorder is curable, recoverable, controllable or partially curable. For instance, a 23-years-old young female was recently detected with PCOD and she experiences irregular periods and acne. She does not have any familial history of PCOD, neither she has any associated health problem. So, she has greater chances of getting cured of PCOD.

  1. How can homeopathy help in treating PCOD?

Homeopathy helps in managing PCOD by correcting the hormonal imbalance in the body. It balances the excess androgen production, thereby correcting the ovulatory cycles. Homeopathic medicines also treat the disorder symptomatically. However, treating symptoms like hirsutism (excessive unwanted hair growth on the face, breast, and abdomen) can be a challenge.

  1. How much time will I require to be PCOD-free with homeopathy? Will PCOD ever relapse in my body in the future?

There are various factors that govern the treatment time for PCOD. Early-stage diagnosed cases of PCOD take a lesser time of treatment compared to long-standing and conventionally tampered cases. Long-standing cases of PCOD wherein there was a delay in the diagnosis or not opting for treatment timely, may require a long duration of homeopathy treatment. Young females respond to homeopathic treatment better compared to females over 30 years of age with PCOD. Lean females have earlier chances of recovery than females who are obese. Genetically inherited cases take a long time to respond to compared to the acquired cases of PCOD.

  1. Can I get pregnant with PCOD and no periods?

This condition can be challenging, as there is no ovulation taking place in the ovaries. However, some fertility treatments can help you get pregnant. Women with such conditions are at a higher risk of miscarriages and are at a higher risk of developing infertility.

  1. What are the tests which I need to undergo if I am experiencing symptoms of PCOD?

The first and foremost investigation that you need is ultrasonography. Of course, do not be your own doctor. Consult a physician for the same who would guide you with other tests depending on the result of the sonography.

Explore this website to know more. Click here to start with the treatment.



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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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PCOD Case Studies

A 28-year-old lady from Delhi (PIN: 41598) contacted Life Force for her complaints of recurrent PCOD, Tonsil stones, and Alopecia in November 2019. She had taken many medications for her PCOD, but there was no change in her complaints. Hormonal medications helped her get her menses back, but, as .....Read more

A 33-year-old young lady, Mrs. V.J. (PIN: 16931) visited Life Force on 9th September 2011 for the treatment of her Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease. She was suffering from irregular menses. Her sonography report showed bulky ovaries with multiple small follicles with signs of PCOD. 

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A 34-year-old female patient, Mrs. P.R. (PIN: 40763) visited Sassoon Branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 28th July 2019 with the complaints of Irregular Menses. She was suffering from this complaint for 4 years.

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