A case of extensive psoriasis, suppressed with steroid responded very well to Homeopathy.
Mr NPG (PIN 17711) a 28 years old businessman from Mumbai, India, visited Life Force clinic on 10th December 2011.

He was suffering from extensive Psoriasis since 18 months. There was scattered psoriatic lesions on his back, abdomen, chest and scalp. There was excessive dryness, redness and scaling on these lesions. He used to have severe itching leading to uncontrollable scratching over affected parts. He was applying steroid application on his body which would suppress lesions for few days followed by severe flare up again. He had taken allopathic medicines for the same but with no relief. He was under tremendous tension as this health issue was affecting his professional life.
While searching on the internet he came across Life Force Homeopathy. He went through the information about Psoriasis and finally decided to get it treated by Dr Shah at Life Force. While noting down his case study following details were noted.
He was also suffering from Acne since 4-5 months. He used to have recurrent acne on his forehead. He had tall lean thin physique. His appetite, thirst, digestion, sleep were normal and regular. Emotionally he was anxious but calm.
All his vital parameters like blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, respiration was normal during examination. After case study the details were evaluated by Dr Shah and Constitutional medicine was prescribed on 10th December 2011. Medicines were given for 6 weeks.
Mr NG reported on 8th February 2012. He said that the progression of psoriasis has stopped and there was 25 % relief in itching, dryness and scaling. His face skin was also clear as he had some improvement in acne also. Again he was given 6 weeks medicines.
When he reported in last week of March 2012, there was some increase in the lesions followed by over exposure to sun heat and emotional stress. Anxiety, as he was getting married within 3 months and still there were marks on his body. Dr Shah made necessary changes in his line of treatment and this time he was given 2 months medicines.
He reported late on 11 June, saying that he could not remember the date of feedback as there was lot of improvement specially on his scalp and chest. With next line of treatment there was gradual improvement seen in August 2012 feedback. Thereafter he visited Life Force directly in December 2012 as he was occupied with his marriage. The improvement was still there in spite of irregular medication. .
Last time he visited Life Force was in Month of June 2013. There was 90% improvement in his psoriasis. He was happy to mention that Homeopathy, Dr Shah's experience and time to time consolation and medical advises given by associate doctors helped him to come out of this difficult disease. He also told Dr Shah that with Homeopathy his married life as well as professional life is going fine and without stress.
Psoriasis is a chronic and difficult disease which is difficult to treat. This case got such excellent result as disease was in initial stage i.e. Just 18 months old. Chronicity of this disease, treatment with various steroidal medicines makes it difficult to treat. However such conditions also respond well to Homeopathy.
Uploaded on 12 June 2013, by Dr. P.D.