And I didnt get it anytime later..
Mr. S.N, (Patient ref. no.: L9859) 32 years old male, was suffering from Psoriasis on the upper lip, buttocks, legs, chest, abdomen, back, elbows for 1 & 1/2years. The psoriasis was extensively spread on the body. The eruptions were increasing gradually. There was severe scaling, itching, and redness. He was using cortisone preparation (Betamethasone), which gave him temporary relief. Psoriasis would return on stopping cortisone cream.
He was a vegetarian. There was a marked craving for salt. He had an intolerance to cold. There was no past history of any illness. He belonged to a poor family. He lived with his brother and sister. His parents expired a few years back. He was working in an electrical department, as his income was low, he decided to get into the construction business. He used to feel happy when he helped sad people. He did not like violence. Whenever he saw violence, he would literally tremble with fear. He was very anxious by nature. In his company, there was less staff, as a result of which his workload was more, which made him stressed out. He had to struggle a lot to achieve a better living for himself, all this manifested in the form of psoriatic lesions.

On the basis of his case history and the reportorial totality of the case, he was given Carcinosin. Within 4 weeks his psoriasis was 50% better. In winters his psoriasis had increased for 2 months, but not to the extent that he had previously with a marked reduction in itching and scaling.

He was treated further for nine months. His psoriasis improved by over 90%. He was very happy as such relief was never experienced in the past, that too, without any steroidal preparation. He was now just left with hyperpigmentation marks. Within 4 months his hyperpigmented marks also faded by 60%. He is still under the care and there has not been any relapse.