A couple of days back, in the middle of a conversation, one of my friends expressed her concern and asked me, ‘I’m losing my hairs since 3-4 months in bunches, and I’m unable to figure out the underlying cause as neither any of my family member suffers from this problem nor my diet is bad. And, this idiopathic hair loss is frustrating me. I feel bad when I see myself in the mirror with such a decreased hair volume. Hair loss and hair thinning are badly affecting my self-esteem, as it causes a constant state of anxiety and adversely affects my confident personality which is the first and foremost requirement of my job being a working professional.

Well, this is not the problem only of my friend, but every other man and woman these days happen to suffer from hair loss and hair thinning, more or less, to a certain extent. Hair fall occurs due to various reasons, some are maintaining causes while some are precipitating causes. Hair loss being a dynamic problem, one can’t deduce it on the basis of visible or known causes. Hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, medications, autoimmune diseases and other health disorders, metabolic changes, unhealthy lifestyle habits, heredity factors, and many other factors can be responsible for the unpleasant hair loss. So, if you are wondering which all factors are majorly responsible for hair loss these days, rest your worries by giving this post a read.

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8 Prominent Causes Of Hair Loss That You Must Watch Out:

  • Hormonal Changes: Turmoil in thyroid hormones and gonadal hormones triggers hair loss and hair thinning. Females are a victim of this cause of hair loss more than males, as they undergo hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Various vital nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining good hair health, so the deficiencies of essential nutrients can trigger hair loss. Iron deficiency, Vitamin B12 deficiency, insufficient Vitamin D3, Vitamin A deficiency, lack of proteins, lack of minerals, and hypervitaminosis can cause the hair loss.
  • Medications: Several medicines, such as NSAID, birth control pills, antidepressant drugs, antibiotics, drugs that treat breast cancer and other cancers, and other strong medications, can also be a significant cause of hair loss.
  • Autoimmune Diseases & Other Health Disorders: Autoimmune diseases and various health disorders, such as SLE, alopecia areata, psoriasis, thyroid disorder, cancer treatments, and other health issues can make you suffer from a significant hair loss.
  • Metabolic Changes: An error in metabolism leads to several metabolic changes and disorder that may ultimately cause loss of hair.
  • Lifestyle: Unhealthy lifestyle habits can also be a major cause of hair loss these days. Stress, lack of exercise, chemical treatments to hairs, hair coloring, hair straightening, having an improper diet, the use of hard water for hair wash, smoking, and other unhealthy habits can hamper your hair health and cause hair fall and hair loss.
  • Hereditary: Heredity factors to play a key role in male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Also, various other hereditary diseases that can cause the hair loss.
  • Stress: Last, but not the least, stress is one of the most prominent causes that not only leads to hair loss but also leads to many other health problems. Stress affects your physical health, psychological health, and smoothly functioning various bodily functions adversely. And, this reflects in a significant loss of hair.

Life Force Homeopathy

And, if you wondering where it’s hereditary factors or stress that’s affecting your hair health, here’s something for you to note. Always hereditary factors are not responsible for hair loss, however, several studies reveal that stress and hectic lifestyles can cause hair fall. Stress can cause an unexpected hair loss and trigger a vicious cycle, such that stress causes hair loss and hair loss further induces the stress. Diffused hair loss occurs mostly because of faulty lifestyle habits, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, medications, inappropriate metabolic changes, and various other factors. For a diffused hair loss, stress acts as a maintaining cause, as stress causes hormonal and metabolic changes in your body. In other words, stress is one of the major causes of hair loss.

So, you must plan and follow a healthy routine, have a nutritious, balanced diet, practice yoga and meditation regularly to stay stress-free and keep visiting your doctor for regular check-ups to rule out the risk of other diseases. Stay natural as much as you can when it comes to hair cosmetics. Stay stress-free and flaunt healthy, shiny hair!

To know more you can contact us 022-6688-8888 or write to us info@lifeforce.in

 -Written by Dr. Pooja, Dr. Rajesh Shah Team

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