Dr Rajesh Shah

Homeopathic Treatment for Candida Albicans (Yeast Infection) and Its Medicine

Candidiasis or Candidosis OR Thrush is a yeast infection caused by any Candida species. Candida albicans is the most common agent causing infections in humans. The infection is commonly called 'thrush' or 'moniliasis'.

Candida occurs freely everywhere and their infections can affect the body in many ways. From small localized areas of infection in some or fast-spreading multi-system infections in others, Candidal infections can be superficial or life-threatening.

Who gets Candidal infections?

Candida is normally present in most people. The organism is a commensal i.e. it naturally colonizes the human body without benefiting or damaging it.

A healthy immune system and the presence of other microorganisms, check its uncontrolled multiplication and thereby, infections.

It is an opportunistic organism causing an infection only when your immune defenses are lowered enough for it to multiply. Carriers generally don't develop any symptoms so long as they are healthy. Yet, the incidence of Candidiasis is common among

  • Infants
  • Elderly people
  • High sugar diets
  • Women on oral contraceptive pills or Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Use of natural progesterone cream
  • Pregnancy
  • Dental mercury amalgam poisoning
  • Smoking
  • Other heavy metal poisonings e.g. lead, cadmium
  • Chemical poisoning from the home, garden, workplace, etc.
  • Hormonal changes e.g. puberty, pregnancy, menopause

Most often these infections are localized. Many clinical/medical conditions also increase the risk of acquiring Candidiasis. In such cases where the immune system is lowered, the infection spreads through the bloodstream and spreads to other organs as well.

A low immunity plus Candidiasis is possible in the following situations:

  • Diabetes mellitus. Recurring infections in spite of proper treatment is a feature of diabetes. High glucose levels in the blood allow rapid spread of the infection to other body parts by the bloodstream.
  • Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This usually kills the other organisms that compete with Candida for growth and allows the yeast to grow unchecked.
  • Obesity. The moisture within skin folds provides a suitable environment for yeast growth.
  • Intravenous drug abuse. Frequent, unhygienic insertion of drugs via the intravenous route, or long dwelling IV lines can introduce Candida into the bloodstream.
  • Indwelling catheters in hospitalized patients.
  • Severe burns. Loss of normal layers of skin leaves the body exposed to superadded infections like Candidiasis.
  • Cancers of the blood cells.
  • Reduced numbers of neutrophils (a component of the white blood cells which are the defense cells of our bodies).
  • Neonates. Infants less than 7 days old.
  • Prolonged steroid (corticosteroid) therapy.
  • AIDS. People suffering from AIDS are very susceptible to Candidiasis.
  • Stress and poor nutrition. These are known and proven immunosuppressants. It certainly lowers the body's immune status making it vulnerable to infections.


Candidal infections are extremely common. It occurs in otherwise healthy people mostly as a well-localized infection and responds favorably to treatment.

Affected locations show a lot of itching, burning, and soreness. Generally, symptoms depend upon the organ involved.

  • In the oral cavity, its presentation is called oral thrush. Most infections are seen in people having AIDS and in infants. Infants may suffer from
  • Pain
  • Poor feeding
  • Crankiness
  • Lethargy.
  • It presents as discrete lesions on the penis and foreskin. Often the soft tissue of the glans penis has red, inflamed, painful sores and rarely a white discharge from the penis. A condition called 'balanitis'.
  • In infants and older children using diapers, it presents within the folds of the skin as a 'diaper (nappy) rash'.
  • Nipples and surrounding tissues, in breastfeeding women.
  • The ears. External ear often gets infected.
  • Endophthalmitis, a condition wherein the inner eyeball is inflamed is typical of Candidal infection. The most common symptoms are:
  • Pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Decreased vision
  • Redness, especially after eye surgery
    Children with low birth weight or hospitalization for long periods are contributing factors.
  • Nails. It causes chronic paronychia which is painful inflammation of the tissues around the nail. It also causes onychomycosis where the nail grows very poorly and appears disfigured.
  • The skin surrounding the nose and margins of the nostrils can be affected.
  • In women, a fairly common site is the vulva or vagina. The condition is referred to as vaginal Candidiasis or vaginal thrush.
  • Intense itch and profuse creamy-white, curd-like or whitish-yellow discharge from the vagina is the commonest symptom.
  • Soreness and burning.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
    The third trimester of pregnancy, broad-spectrum antibiotics, sexual activity (anal sex followed by vaginal sex, without proper cleaning), use of oral contraceptives, and HIV infection are some of the most common factors causing vulvovaginal thrush.
  • The skin folds are prone to a lot of moisture. Obesity, Diabetes, and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) are common causes of Candidiasis in the skin folds.
    Lesions show the following characteristics

Systemic symptoms

Candida spreads throughout the body and causes a multitude of symptoms. The extent of infection, its severity, and consequences largely depend upon the individual infected.

  • Candidiasis of the esophagus (food pipe) along with mouth infection is highest in people suffering from AIDS.
  • Respiratory system involvement is mostly seen in the form of a cough and fever.
  • Candidal infection can cause prolonged fevers (fevers of unknown origin) in the absence of other specific symptoms.
  • Symptoms of gastrointestinal infection largely include Distention
  • Flatulence
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Bloated feeling
  • Itching in the anal area
  • Severe, widespread infection will show symptoms of shock and kidney failure (decreased urine output) and severe blood coagulation problems (disseminated intravascular coagulation - 'DIC'). This condition often resembles bacterial sepsis.
  • Recurrence of urinary tract infections in spite of antibiotic treatment is often indicative of Candidiasis, especially in women.
  • Non-specific body pains, joint pains, and muscular weakness in the absence of other symptoms are suggestive of possible Candidal infection.
  • Women can often complain of menstrual irregularities.
  • Nervousness, poor memory, aggressive behavior, anxiety, confusion, fuzzy or foggy thinking (brain fog) with unexplained mood swings.
  • Candidiasis that affects the gut can make people vulnerable to many food allergies.
  • Persistent, widespread symptoms affect the nails, mucous membranes, and skin, especially in children.
  • Addison's disease, Underactive thyroid disorder, and Diabetes can promote the growth of Candida.


Culture Studies

Materials used to obtain cultures are:

  • Skin scrapings
  • Urine samples
  • Bronchial washings.
  • Sputum cultures.

However, since Candida is a commensal, a positive culture test need not be diagnostic of widespread invasive infection. The key to a positive diagnosis lies in the identification of a Candidal skin lesion and its histopathological study revealing the presence of growing yeast cells.

Positive cultures of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pericardium or pericardial fluid, blood, or tissue biopsy specimens provide definitive evidence that systemic therapy is needed.

Treatment options for Candidiasis

Conventional treatment:

When the symptoms are vague, physicians end up treating Candidiasis with antibiotics. This further increases the severity of the infection as it eliminates the natural competitors of Candida helping it grow unchecked.

All conditions like diabetes, obesity, HIV infection, neutropenia, steroid therapy, contraceptive pills & HRT, etc. that increase the vulnerability to the infection have to be separately reversed or controlled.

Antifungals effective against Candidal infections are:

  • Fluconazole
  • Amphotericin B
  • Voriconazole for infections spreading via the bloodstream.
  • Topical applications of clotrimazole, nystatin, fluconazole, and ketoconazole are commonly used.
  • Vaginal suppositories or medicated douches 'for women having genital Candidiasis.


Here are some tips to keep Candidiasis at bay!

Eat healthy

Many foods can make us vulnerable to Candidiasis. To thoroughly avoid them is easier said than done. If you already suffer from the infection, it is best to avoid them. If you are infection-free but know you're prone to recurrent Candidiasis, then you need to maintain a healthy balance and have these foods with care and moderation. The 'Candida Diet' is known to help contain the infection to a large extent.

Some foods to have with caution are:

  • Foods are high in sugars - cakes, pastries, jams, syrups, canned syrups, chocolate, honey, molasses, biscuits, puddings, marzipan, ice-creams, soft drinks etc. Many food packages even disguise the presence of sugars by using terms like sucrose, dextrose, fructose, lactose, etc. In short, sugar in any form is best avoided! Even artificial sweeteners are equally harmful.
  • Fermented foods like beer, cider, wine, pickles, etc. Alcohols eventually get converted into sugar thus increasing the sugar content in the bloodstream allowing Candida to grow.
  • Refined food products like white pasta, cornflakes, white rice, custard powder, etc.
  • Nuts. Most nuts are very moldy. Hence, if you have Candidiasis, avoid nuts.
  • Tea, coffee, hot chocolates, or any malted drinks (e.g. Horlicks).

Try having more of

Whole wheat, whole bread products. Drink milk and have more yogurts rich in lactobacilli, a normally occurring gut bacterium that keeps a check on Candida growth. Garlic is known to have natural anti-fungal properties.


A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of Candidiasis, particularly in women and in people chronically bed-ridden.


The importance of maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene cannot be disregarded.

  • Wear loose clothes and undergarments and must have a cotton crotch.
  • After the toilet, wipe from front to back only. This prevents contamination of the vagina with anal microorganisms.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush twice daily, especially in night within four hours after meals. Floss regularly (at least twice a week) or use mouthwashes. Try using warm, salted water gargles to relieve mouth & throat symptoms.
  • Keep the vaginal area always dry. Especially after a bath or shower. Be sure to wash the area thoroughly when in a bath or shower. Avoid very strong soaps.
  • If you exercise or swim, change out of the clothes immediately after the workout.
  • Douching should be avoided.
  • Avoid using highly perfumed scents or soaps.
  • Undergarments must be washed in warm water and softeners should be used sparingly.
  • Scented sanitary pads or tampons are best avoided. Change the pads frequently, keeping the area dry.
  • Avoid sharing towels, razors and other toiletries.

Practice safe sex

Genital Candidiasis often spreads through infected sexual partners. Often both partners need to undergo treatment.

  • Both partners should clean themselves before and after having sex.
  • Use a condom if either partner is infected or undergoing treatment.
  • Avoid vaginal sex immediately after anal sex and never without washing.
  • Use lubricants when the natural secretions are insufficient.
  • Always use water-based lubricants only.

Ease up on your medications

Indiscriminate use of antibiotics can gradually make the bacteria resistant to them. Thus, very often you end up using more and more potent antibiotics. You really do not need an antibiotic for that cold or tummy ache. Frequent antibiotic usage kills other organisms that compete with Candida and help its growth. Besides, all antibiotics come with their own share of side effects. So, stop popping pills at the drop of a hat!

Women suffering from Candidiasis must find alternatives for their contraception. Check with your doctor before taking pills to avoid pregnancy.

Also, check with your physician to find suitable nutritional supplements.

Homeopathic treatment:

Candidiasis shows excellent response to homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy treats candidiasis from the roots and prevents the tendency for recurrence. Homeopathy is strongly recommended.

Here are the indications of few Homeopathic remedies commonly used in Oral Candidiasis and Vaginal Candidiasis:

5 Homeopathic remedies for Oral Candidiasis (Thrush):

  1. Borax: Borax homeopathic medicine for oral thrush is indicated for a thick, white curd-like coating on the tongue which is difficult to move. The oral mucosa is extremely dry and sticky causing difficulty in eating and swallowing. The patient does experience excessive saliva production, alternating with periods of dryness in the oral cavity.
  2. Mercurius solubilis:  Mecurius solubilis homeopathic thrush treatment is highly useful in cases of Candidiasis when the tongue is swollen and covered with a thick, white coating. There is excessive salivation drooling from the mouth with metallic taste and painful ulcers in the mouth which emit a foul odour. The gums are swollen, tender, and prone to bleeding.
  3. Natrum Mur: It is indicated when the tongue is dry, and cracked and has a constant sensation of dryness in the oral cavity despite normal saliva production. They do experience a salty taste in the mouth.
  4. Sulphur: The indications of the use of sulphur are red, inflamed tongue with a yellowish coating, particularly at the back of the tongue. There are burning and itching sensations in the oral cavity, especially on the tongue and palate. There is a feeling of dryness particularly at night causing swallowing difficulty.
  5. Kali muriaticum: It is useful in cases when there is a thick white, greyish coating on the tongue associated with digestive issues. The tongue and palate feel coated with a milky, pasty appearance. There is a mild burning and itching sensation in the mouth and throat.


Homeopathic remedies for Vaginal Candidiasis :

  1. Sepia: Sepia is useful candida homeopathy when females experience thick, curd-like vaginal discharge that causes itching and burning with a sensation of heaviness and bearing down in the pelvic region, which is better by sitting in cross legs. The complaints are worse before menses and better with vigorous exercise.
  2. Candida albicans: Candida albicans homeopathy for candidiasis is indicated in recurrent, chronic yeast infections wherein there is a history of antibiotic use. The itching is intense and irritation of the skin around the vulva and vagina.  They do experience immediate episodes of candidiasis following stress or illness.
  3. Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla has typical vaginal discharge thick, creamy, or yellowish discharge that changes in consistency and is odourless. There are fluctuations of symptoms seen with their menstrual cycle. The symptoms are worse in warm, stuffy environments and improve with fresh and cool air or weather.
  4. Borax: Borax is indicated when the vaginal discharge is white, thick and causes intense itching and irritation. The vulva is very sensitive with a raw, burning sensation, especially after urination. They do develop painful sores or ulcers in the vaginal area.
  5. Helonias dioca: It is useful when women do experience thick, yellowish vaginal discharge with a foul odour with a sensation of pelvic congestion. There is a feeling of dragging and a heavy sensation in the lower abdomen associated with pain in the back. The symptoms are worse after physical exertion.



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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Candidiasis (Thrush) Case Studies

A female patient Ms. S.R.G. (PIN: 41065) visited Paud branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 1st September 2019 with the complaints of Candidiasis (Thrush) Fungal infection which was affecting her genital area.

She was taking allopathic medicines for 1.5 months but got no relief......Read more

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