95% Relief In Candidiasis Found In Less Than 1 Month With Homeopathy

A female patient Ms. S.R.G. (PIN: 41065) visited Paud branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 1st September 2019 with the complaints of Candidiasis (Thrush) Fungal infection which was affecting her genital area.

She was taking allopathic medicines for 1.5 months but got no relief. The symptoms that she was experiencing were intense itching, thrush around the pubic area and gluteal region, redness after scratching, soreness, and irritability.

The patient was a vegetarian. She had a craving for milk and aversion to bitter foods.

The patient was very confident, cheerful, quite talkative, and mischievous by nature.

After studying and analyzing the case in detail, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed research-based medicines for Candidiasis to the patient.


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When she gave her first follow-up on 24th September 2019, her relief in candidiasis was 95% better. Just pigmentation was left. No thrush nor redness was present. Just occasional itching was present. Also, she no more suffered from soreness and irritability. She experienced tremendous relief in all the symptoms of candidiasis.

The patient is very happy and satisfied with the treatment which she received at Life Force and is continuing the homeopathic treatment for a complete recovery.



This case illustrates how homeopathy helps in better management of and treating Candidiasis. Even Allopathy takes a long time to treat Fungal infections, but, in this case, Homeopathy treated Candidiasis very effectively and in a short time without any side-effects.


- Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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