Case-4: Homeopathy improves quality and longevity of life in patient with cancer

Mrs. V.K.K. (Patient Identification Number 13149), fifty two years old lady reported at Life Force on 5 January 2010. She was suffering from cancer in the abdomen.
She was detected to have multiple lesions, a 2.6 x 1.8 cm lesion in the anterior wall in the subhepatic region and a 2 x 1 cm lesion in the periportal region. The lesions were increasing in size. She had undergone 10 sittings of chemotherapy, however there was no response and her hemoglobin would drop, so she was suggested radiotherapy.
Patient had refused surgery. She had been operated three times in the past for different reasons, so she did not want to undergo any further surgery. One of Dr Shah's students, Dr Shilpa had referred her to the center.
Her blood test showed raised levels of cancer markers.
She was anemic. Her Hemoglobin had dropped to 7.7
She had acidity and weakness. She also suffered from severe back pain.
She was staying with her husband and son and daughter in law and grandson. Her husband was working in a good MNC.
Her son was an engineer working in a reputed firm.
She was a homemaker. She was facing a lot of stress in her life. Her husband was an alcoholic, he would drink on a daily basis. He was irritable and headstrong; he always dominated her and belittled her.
She was born and brought up in a small village and had come to Mumbai only after her marriage, while her husband was from Mumbai. Her husband used to hit her a lot. She would keep quiet.
If he would shout on her, the shouting would last for a long time, he was abusive and humiliated her in front of everyone. Now even after son's marriage and in the presence of daughter in law, he would humiliate her. On such occasions, she would tuck mishiri (made from tobacco) in her mouth and sit quietly. She would be furious with anger, but she always had to suppress her anger.
She would keep brooding about it and would be sad.
After she was detected to have cancer , her husband calmed down a bit.
She was more sensitive to colds. Her sleep was good. She likes to eat spicy food. She had scanty perspiration. There was no family history of cancer.
Since she had refused surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy did not suit her, she was accepted for Homeopathic treatment.
Dr Shah reviewed her case in detail and prescribed Staphysagria 30c along with research based remedies.
She reported again after 8 weeks. The acidity and weakness had reduced. Back pain had also reduced. She required blood transfusions in subsequent follow-ups. She felt energetic. Her MRI was repeated after six months. The lesions were just the same.
There was good control established with homeopathy.
They discontinued the treatment after eight months. She remained healthy for the next six months.
She again faced symptoms of back pain, acidity and weakness after six months. Her doctor repeated an MRI, which showed that the lesions had again started to increase in size. He too commented that till now, homeopathy had helped to keep a good control and she should have continued the treatment. Then they came back to Life Force to restart the treatment.
She continued the treatment till July 2012. Though it was not possible to cure the cancer, Homeopathy helped to control the symptoms and the growth of the lesions to a certain level. A slowdown helped her quality of life and increased her longevity of life.
(Case study was written by Dr AP on 29th April 2014.)