Case-6: Relief from Cancer pain at LifeForce Homeopathy

Mrs. R.R.J. (Identification number- 28349), fifty years old lady visited LifeForce Homeopathy, Chembur branch with her husband on 28th March 2016 for treatment of pain in her abdomen resulting from Pancreatic Cancer. She was detected with cancer of head of pancreas three months back. Since six weeks she was suffering from severe abdominal pain on the left side radiating to both shoulders and arms. She experienced vague pain in her abdomen since childhood otherwise, which however was not severe in intensity. 

Currently it was an intolerable colicky pain causing restlessness and disturbed sleep. Pain increased at night around 10.30 pm until midnight. She would get some relief in pain by gentle massage on abdomen and after taking pain killers. She had lost 3 kg of her weight in three weeks. Her appetite was reduced with persistent nausea and her stools were unsatisfactory. Since 10 days she was on tablet Morphine 10, half tablet four times a day and tablet Pregalin (M), one tablet at night. She had also taken tablet Dolo 650 for six weeks and had stopped since one month. In past she had taken tablet Voveron on and off for ten years. 

Biopsy report done on 23rd March 2016 showed adenosquamous carcinoma of pancreatic body mass, moderately differentiated ductal adenocarcinoma with focal squamous and focal small cell differentiation. Cytology reported high grade malignant epithelial tumor.

In past, she had undergone a surgery on spine five years back, anal fissure eight years back and a cataract surgery two years back.There was nothing significant detected in family history. 
She was on tablet Thyronorm 25mcg for hypothyroidism since six months. She was asymptomatic and thyroid levels checked in last month were within normal limits.

She was experiencing general body-ache persistently since seven years with no acute episodes in last six months. The pain would increase with every weather change. For this she had taken homeopathic treatment for three years which was stopped since six months.
She was also suffering from nonspecific eruptions with redness on the nape of neck and nail bed infection on fingers of both hands since last one month. There was mild itching on skin, for which she was applying ointment Dazit since one month.

General information while case taking revealed that she was purely vegetarian with no specific likes or dislikes. Her appetite and thirst was greatly diminished. Perspiration was profuse. Her bowels were unsatisfactory and sleep was disturbed. She was menopausal since three years. 

Mrs R.R.J. was staying with her husband and two sons. Her husband was unemployed due to company closure fifteen years back. Her elder son was working as a clerk and younger son was pursuing diploma in engineering. She had lived a healthy childhood, adolescent and youth years of her life. She was gentle in nature, getting irritable and angry sometimes due to her illness. She liked to follow a fixed schedule strictly for everything. She was very particular about things, especially cleanliness and would avoid eating anything outside home.

On physical examination, she was afebrile. Her tongue was coated, BP was within normal limits and her weight was 65.5 kg.
On going through the case details Dr. Shah prescribed her Ruta Graveolens 30c, Calcarea Phosphoricum 30c and his advanced research-based medicines for six weeks.

Patient’s husband called up next day on 29th March 2016 to report that the severity of the abdominal pain had increased since evening and there was no relief after taking tablet Morphine. She was advised to increase the frequency of homeopathic medicines to four times a day.

On 31st March 2016, her husband reported that there was no relief in pain in last two days after increasing the frequency of homeopathic medicines. Oncologist at Hinduja hospital had advised them to start with chemotherapy. She was suggested to visit a general practitioner in their area for medication for acute increase in pain. She was also informed that chemotherapy could be taken along with homeopathic treatment. Homoeopathy would act as a supportive role with chemotherapy.

On 16th April 2016, she reported that she had been suffering from jaundice for four to five days and had started ayurvedic treatment for the same. She was instructed to update with her liver profile reports.

Her husband called up at the clinic on 25th April 2016 to report that she had developed eczema on different parts of her body since three weeks. He was suggested to visit the nearest branch of LifeForce for detailed physical examination of his wife.

She visited along with her husband and son at one of the branch nearest to her home in Thane on 27th April 2016. She entered the clinic taking support of her husband and son. She was very anxious with pain due to irritant dermatitis on scalp, neck, chest, left gluteal region, thighs and abdomen. There was severe redness with itching. She was prescribed with steroidal ointment by the dermatologist for the same. Fifteen days back she had taken ayurvedic medicines for jaundice from her hometown. 

The patient was very weak and was unable to walk without support. Her appetite had gone down markedly since detected with jaundice three weeks back. She was not able to sleep due to discomfort and pain. Chemotherapy was kept on hold by the family members due to unexpected development of jaundice.

Colicky abdominal pain related to pancreatic cancer was however much better by thirty to forty percent. She still experienced some pain in sitting position and while lying on her left side. Reports of liver function test done on 19th April 2016 showed that the bilirubin levels were high along with SGPT and SGOT levels. As patient was unable to meet Dr. Shah, a telephonic appointment was fixed for her to discuss the current situation with him.

Based on the telephonic conversation with patient’s relative, Dr. Shah prescribed his new research-based medicines accordingly for her.

Her son visited the clinic on 4th May 2016 to inform that she underwent surgery for dilatation of obstructed bile duct on 29th April 2016. Endoscopy findings showed tight hilar stricture. Stenting was done in both right and left bile ducts.

On 7th May 2016, her husband reported that she was experiencing pain in left side of her abdomen. Her bilirubin levels persistently started reducing after the dilatation of the bile ducts. She was advised to continue with the same medicines that were prescribed by Dr. Shah. 

Her son visited the clinic on 25th May 2016 to report the recent development of ascitis (collection of fluid in abdomen) since one week. He observed that his mother’s abdomen had enlarged in volume and was looking bloated. They consulted their oncologist who suggested not to aspirate the fluid as it was too less. There was severe nausea due to which she was unable to eat anything in spite of feeling hungry and was very weak due to lack of proper food intake. However there was no pain in the abdomen. Her bilirubin level done on 24th May 2016 was not much raised. In view of recent development of ascitis Dr. Shah prescribed Colchicum Autumnale 30c, Apis Mellifica 30c, Ipecacuanha 30c and his new scientific research based medicines for six weeks.

She is continuing with the medicines currently. The above case highlights the scope of homeopathy in relieving the painful symptoms of cancer. Homeopathy helps in giving symptomatic relief in pains in advanced stages of cancer as a supportive therapy along with chemotherapy.
(Case study written by Dr. Mrudula, Thane Branch.)

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