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Case Studies

Lichen Planus is a chronic, autoimmune, and non-contagious skin condition. In this condition, the inflammation of the skin cells occurs that leads to flat purplish skin lesions which are itchy and can cause bleeding after scratching. Lichen planus results due to immunological factors, stress, cer.....Read more

Dr. A. M. V., 44 years old homeopathic physician (Patient Identification Number - 14582) visited our clinic on 18th September, 2012. He was already under treatment of Dr. Shah for other complaints. He now had visited for Urticaria which was troubling him since 1 month. He would get hives once in .....Read more

A 30-year-old female patient, Mrs. P.J. (PIN: 40156) came to Life Force Homeopathy on 14th May 2019, with a hope that we can find some solution to her problem. She was suffering from Cheilitis (a form of fungal infection) on the lips.
Her discomforting symptoms included thick white coating.....Read more

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Homeopathy is the youngest medical science, needs support, says Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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