Case-1: Acute episode of Bell's palsy cured within 4 months of homeopathic treatment at Life Force.

Acute episode of Bell's palsy cured within 4 months of homeopathic treatment at Life Force.

Forty years old female Mrs. C. S. (Patient Identification Number- 2507) visited Life Force on 16th Dec 2004 for the treatment of psoriasis.

On 17th January 2009, she presented with sudden onset of the symptoms like difficulty in drinking water, unable to hold water in the mouth, unable to close the left eye, loss of taste and discomfort while chewing food. She could not gargle, as water would escape from her mouth. She said the complaints started after she had an exposure to cold wind a day before. Her condition was diagnosed as Bell's Palsy affecting the left side.

Her neurologist had prescribed her steroids and said that there can be residual neurological deficit. She knew about the side-effects of steroids and was not in a favor of continuing steroids for long. So she wanted homeopathic medicines to prevent a permanent damage and to get a permanent cure.

Dr Shah studied her disease in detail and prescribed Causticum 30c along with his research based molecules for Bell's palsy. She was also suggested electro-magnetic stimulation of facial nerve (physiotherapy).

She visited Life Force on 25th February 2009 and reported about 25% relief in her complaints.

She again reported us on 17th March 2009 with 75% relief in the complaints. She had now stopped steroids. She had some steroid induced swelling on the face.

She visited Life Force on 7th April 2009 and reported that she was further better. Occasionally she still felt some discomfort during chewing.

She called up at Life Force on 14th May 2009 and reported that her Bell's palsy was cured 100%. She was now able to drink, eat and chew without any discomfort.

The homeopathic medicines helped to speed up the nerve recovery and bring about a permanent cure. She did not have any neurological deficit.

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