Case-3: Got relief from recurrent apthous ulcers in mouth with homeopathy

A patient Mr. R.K (11612) aged 68 years, visited Life Force for the treatment of recurrent apthous ulcers in the mouth. He was suffering from this condition since the last 6 years.

He had multiple ulcers on tongue, soft palate, inside of cheeks and base of gums recurring every 7 days and remained for 3 to 4 days.

Ulcers were round, with white sores, with a red edge.

Patient complained of burning pain along with difficulty in eating which was aggravated by spicy food, warm food and drinks. The ulcers reoccurred, despite conventional medicines, which were of little help.

Patient was a known case of diabetes mellitus and hypertension with addiction of tobacco in the past.

After going through the case thoroughly, Dr Rajesh Shah prescribed him a constitutional medicine.

At the two months follow up the patient was very happy as his pain and discomfort while eating had reduced by 60%. The frequency of ulcers had reduced remarkably (only twice since starting medicines).

At the six months follow up the patient was totally free from pain and discomfort. Frequency was less by 80%. He was advised to continue medicines for 3 more months.

At nine months follow up the patient reported that there were no ulcers since past 2.5 months and he was completely free from any symptoms. His treatment was stopped.

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