Homeopathy Improved Life Of An Autistic Boy With Favorable Results

A 10-years-old pre-adolescent boy, Master AAD (Patient Identification Number: 17370) visited Life Force’s Chembur branch on 29th October 2011.

The innocent kid was diagnosed with Autism since 2009. He had delayed speech, no eye contact during communication, poor verbal expression, used to speak in monosyllables and used to do gestures to point out for his needs. He was very restless and very hyperactive.

He was undergoing Speech Therapy since 2 years, Occupational therapy since 7 months, and he was taking Tablet Sizodon (Risperidone)MD 0.5 mg once a day since 3 months

He had wheatish complexion and an average stature. He was consuming both vegetarian and non- vegetarian diet. He had an average appetite, & consumed average quantity of water. He passed satisfactory stools every day. He enjoyed sound & refreshing sleep.

He had several episodes of frequent colds since childhood.

His paternal grandmother was diagnosed with Blood Cancer and Diabetes Mellitus.

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He interacted with selective kids, and he didn’t like sharing his toys with others. He was very stubborn and very choosy in terms of food. He preferred solitude, and sometimes he used to throw tantrums.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed him one of the research-based medicines.

After 6 months of the treatment, when he visited us on 23rd April 2012, his eye contact during communication was better. He spoke single words like mama, papa. He had calmed down a bit 

After 12 months of treatment, when he visited us on 29th October 2012, he developed good habits, such as wearing footwear on his own, taking bath, toilet training, cycling, and eating food by himself.

After 24 months of treatment, when he visited us on 23rd September 2013, his interaction had increased and impulsiveness and obstinacy had decreased gradually.

After 36 months of treatment, when he visited us on 2nd October 2014, his irritability, shrieking, and hyperactivity had declined gradually. He now formed small words from songs.

After 42 months of treatment, when he visited us on 16th May 2015, he had learned to salute, shake hands, and speak words and greetings, such as Namaste, Hi, Bye, Mummy, and other words.


Autism is not a different disability, it’s a different ability. This case study highlights that homeopathy has encouraging results when dealing with autistic children gently. Homeopathy helps a lot in improving the quality of life and abilities of an Autistic child.


  • Written by Dr. Karishma, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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