7 years old boy had been on inhalers (bronchodilators) for whole of the last 5 years and in spite of taking these puffs 2 to 3 times daily. He would get cough with much rattling in the chest but no expectoration

Master. K. D (Patient Ref. No. 4096), a 7 years old male child was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of Asthmatic bronchitis since last 5 years. He would have complaints of cough and breathlessness persistently, so much so that his mother said that he would barely remain well for a fortnight, once in 6 months. He had been on inhalers (bronchodilators) for whole of the last 5 years and in spite of taking these puffs 2 to 3 times daily, he would not be completely free from the cough and breathlessness.

He would get cough with much rattling in the chest but no expectoration. He would have suffocative feeling which would get worse at night between 2 to 4 am, as well as early morning. His complaints would get worse from chocolates, cold drinks, in polluted atmosphere and from strong, pungent odors. His breathlessness would get worse on lying down and he had to sit up for some relief.

His appetite had decreased since last few months. He was fond of spicy and rich foods. His thirst for water had increased. Other general features were normal, though he would frequently have disturbed sleep due to his complaints.

He was a very restless child, who would never sit quietly in one place. He was found to be aggressive and would get very angry if not obeyed. Most of the times he was playful and did not have any fears. He was cheerful, but would occasionally get irritated, when he would not be keeping in good health.

He did not have history of any major illness in the past. His mother was a known case of bronchial asthma and his father had psoriasis. His grandmother was hypertensive. Besides this, there was no history of any other major illness in the family.

He was prescribed Antimonium Tartaricum in the 200th potency along with a dose of Medorrhinum 1M. Within 6 months of the treatment for Asthmatic broncihitis, his complaints were reduced to nil. He did not have any cough or any more episodes of breathlessness and wheezing. He was off all allopathic medication including the inhaler puffs. He would no longer worry about breathless nights and disturbed sleep due to the same. Above all his parents were very glad that he could get rid of his dependence on bronchodilator drugs and inhalers. Thus he did very well with the homeopathic treatment and started leading a normal healthy life.

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Case Studies

Mr. V. A. M., aged 20 years (Patient Identification Number - 20038) visited Life Force center on 9th October, 2012. He was accompanied by his mother. He was suffering from Nocturnal Enuresis since 2 – 3 years. The frequency would be 3 – 5 times /week. It was an embarrassing situation for him and .....Read more

A 12 years aged girl Miss A.S. (Patient Identification Number 4153) reported to the center on 20 August 2010. She was under Dr. Shah's care right from her birth. Her parents were also our patients and they were firm believers in Homeopathy. They would come for medicines as and when they devel.....Read more

A 44-year-old male patient from Nimbahera, Rajasthan, Mr. H. K. (PIN: 41490) registered for Online Treatment at Life Force in October 2019. He was suffering from Lichen Planus since more than a year when he started our treatment.

As per history given by the patient, his s.....Read more

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