Case-1: 49 yrs old man suffering from cervical spondylitis use to get pulling type of pain in the nape of the neck since 1 ½ years. The pain radiated to the shoulder and left side of the chest.

Mr. P. C. (Patient ref. no. L-8342), a 49 yrs old male patient, reported to the clinic with the complaint of Cervical Spondylitis. He had been suffering from pulling type of pain in the nape of the neck, since 1 ½ years. The pain radiated to the shoulder and left side of the chest. The pain was continuous and had increased since 3 months. The pain would get better by rest or doing yoga. The x-ray of his Cervical Spine showed degenerative changes at the level of C5-6. He had taken homeopathic medication about 1 ½ yrs back for 3 months without relief. When he reported to our clinic, he was on painkillers that he would take whenever the pain would be unbearable.

His appetite was normal, with craving for sweets. He would drink about 10-15 glasses of water in a day. His bowel and bladder movements were normal and he was sensitive to cold in general.

He was a businessman who stayed with his wife, two children and parents.
He was a very religious person by nature and he never complained for anything. He said that he would eat his food even if it was tasteless, without saying a word. At the same time, he never praised even if the food was good. He was very health conscious and had great anxiety about his health. He was seen to be a very loquacious person. He was the eldest in the family and had the responsibility of three families on his shoulders and that was somewhat stressful for him.

There was no history of any medical or surgical illnesses in the past and no specific family history of any diseases was found.

Based on these symptoms he was prescribed Lachnanthus in the 30 th potency in repeated doses and he was called after 3 weeks. On his follow up after 3 weeks he reported 30-40 % decrease in the intensity of his Cervical pain. He had not taken any painkillers in the past 3 weeks and said the pain was much more bearable now. His treatment was continued on similar lines and he was called 1 month later for follow up. After 1 month, he reported that his Cervical Spondylitis pain was much better the entire month. He would occasionally get increased pain in between sometimes, but he would not require any painkiller for that anymore. He was asked to continue medication for some more time for complete relief from his symptoms.

This case illustrates for us that in conditions like cervical spondylitis, the pathology that has developed cannot be reversed but there can be significant pain control with Homeopathy so much so that the patient can lead a pain-free life. This also eliminates or significantly reduces the need for painkillers thereby keeping their side-effects at bay.

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