A Kid Recovered Excellently From Nephrotic Syndrome With Homeopathy

A 5-years-old child, Ms. A.M (patient identification number: 21784) from Noida, Uttar Pradesh visited Life Force on 14th October 2013 with her parents to get treated for her complaints of nephrotic syndrome. She got detected with nephrotic syndrome two months back when her parents consulted a pediatric nephrologist when she had developed swelling around her eyes. She was put on Syrup Omnacortil (steroid) 3 ml thrice a week, after which the urine protein became nil. The steroids were later tapered off, and the urine protein remained nil for the next two months. It is important to note that, because of the steroid intake, the urine protein remained nil at the cost of the gain in weight that was increased by four kgs within two months.

Following were the blood and urine tests done on 12-7-13

Urine Protein: 1 +

Creatine: 0.12

T. Cholesterol: 405 (High as on steroid therapy)

HB: 10.10 (Anemia)


Total proteins: 4.81

Albumin: 2.22

Calcium: 8.50 

Triglycerides: 264

Currently, she was on a tapering dose of Syrup Omnacortil 3 ml. Parents were aware about the side-effects of the medicines and wanted to get rid of the steroid medications so they thought about starting homeopathy.

Physical Generals

The child used to have a mixed diet, and she had a craving for spicy food. Parents mentioned that she used to sweat profusely on the scalp and more or less all over the body. Thermally, she was sensitive to hot weather

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Family History

There was a major history of autoimmune diseases in the family. Mother was suffering from underactive thyroid. The child’s maternal grandparent was suffering from multiple myeloma. Maternal grandmother had lymphoma. Paternal grandfather was diabetic, and her father had acidity issues.

Past History- There was no major illness in the past.

Self And Family

The child was living in a nuclear family which consisted of her father, who had an electronic component business, and mother, who was a housewife. She also had an 11-years-old sister. Her mother mentioned that she was a quite fun loving and a chirpy child initially, but, after the commencement of the steroid therapy, she had turned quite aggressive. The child used to hit her elder sister and used to get angry if her desires were not fulfilled.


After studying the child’s case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her Calcarea carbonicum 30 and a research based medicine. The parents were well-informed about the side-effects of steroids and its withdrawal effects. A detailed presentation about the disease was given to the parents. They were informed about the long-term treatment that their child would need for a complete recovery since steroids had already made the disease complex and increased the treatment time. A diet chart was also issued in order to support the treatment.


The patient’s father called-up on 3rd January for the first follow-up. He mentioned that the urine protein was still NIL and the facial swelling was reduced drastically. She was still on syrup Omnacortil 3 ml. Father was advised to taper syrup Omnacortil 1.5 ml to thrice per week for the next fifteen days and later to discontinue it.


The second follow-up dated 26th April 2014 was a remarkable one. The urine protein continued to remain NIL even after stopping the steroids since three months. There was no swelling on the face and feet. The child was active, and since swelling was not there anymore, the weight had also reduced to twelve kgs. The child was suffering from loose motions due to teething. This asymptomatic phase remained consistent till the month of June 2014.

When the parents visited for a follow-up on 22nd July 2014, they mentioned that the child had an episode of viral fever along with cough and her urine protein was high. She was on antibiotics for the same and now was asymptomatic. Further medicines were updated and prescribed to the patient accordingly.

The child was under remission (asymptomatic) for the next six months until November 2014. In the month of December 2014, she again had a relapse with facial swelling and urine protein 2+ when she suffered from an episode of cold and cough episode. The parents were forced to put her back on Syrup Omnacortil 40 mg/5ml - 4 ml OD with tapering in a week. Mother was worried as she had started going to the school and had a possibility of contracting infections readily because of her low immunity. Parents were reassured and were explained the nature of disease and necessary precautions to be taken in order to prevent infections.

Fortunately, there was no relapse until 4th May 2016. The child had a mild swelling as she had fever along with cold and cough. But, surprisingly the urine protein was NIL. The hemoglobin had now improved to 12 gm/dl. Parents were happy and thanked Dr. Shah for the co-operation he had shown during her treatment. Parents were now assured that homeopathy was a correct and the safest choice they had made for their child’s health and treatment. The child is still in remission, which I would prefer calling it a recovery now, and the last positive follow-up being on 15th June 2017.


This case depicts that a good immunity is of utmost importance in order to combat autoimmune diseases like nephrotic syndrome. After starting the homeopathy treatment, the child responded so well that even after tapering and stopping the doses of steroid, the child did not throw a relapse which is usually expected. Homeopathy took care in managing the withdrawal symptoms through the medicinal action by overpowering the disease pathology. Homeopathy is strongly recommended as the first line of treatment for nephrotic syndrome in children.


  • Written by Dr. Kanchan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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