Stress-Induced Vitiligo Relieved In A Few Months With Homeopathic Treatment

A 36-years-old male, Mr. PY (Patient Identification Number:30445) residing in Rewari, Haryana started treatment at Life Force for his vitiligo on 20th November 2016. He had registered with us through our online portal. He noticed a few hypo-pigmented spots on his skin developing gradually over a period of 2 weeks. The spots were of peanut size on his neck and legs and genital region. Immediately, he consulted a dermatologist, and his dermatologist confirmed it as a vitiligo and suggested him some topical applications and phototherapy. There was some or other ongoing family stress in his life which he thinks may be the cause of his vitiligo as there was no any genetic link of an auto-immune condition.

He was Banker by profession. Apart from vitiligo, he didn’t have any complaints and any major history of illness in the past. His appetite is good. His bowel habits were regular. He had no any urinary complaints. He was more tolerant to cold. He lived with his wife. 

After the case analysis, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed him his researched based medicines.
After starting the treatment in the initial months, his vitiligo spots increased in size and a few more spots appeared. He was quite worried about the new spots. It was explained to the patient that if spots are already on their way to appear they might develop in spite of taking Homeopathic medicines and that he need not to worry, as the ongoing Homeopathic medicines will take care and spots will not increase in size.

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During the first follow-up on 2nd Jan 2017, he reported that the spots are stable. Even though no pigmentation was observed, vitiligo was controlled and no spread of existing spots occurred or no new spots developed. His complaints remained stable over a period of 2 months. The disease was not spreading, and there were no new spots occurring. 

On 17th of February 2017, he reported that he had noticed a mild improvement in the existing spots.  During his next follow up, on 23rd of May 2017, he informed that there was about 75% improvement in his vitiligo. His spots had turned dull. Re-pigmentation was seen in the spots. He continued taking treatment and showed improvement gradually in the subsequent follow-ups.

On 16th August 2017, he reported that his relief from vitiligo was better by more than 70%. Re-pigmentation was seen in all his spots. 


In this case, initially, the improvement was very mild. However, the disease was kept under control with homeopathy. With consistent treatment, his vitiligo showed a gradual improvement. It was the right decision for the patient to take the Homeopathic treatment rather than going for cortisone. This case highlights that early Homeopathic intervention in such Auto-immune condition helps in speedy recovery. So, it is more beneficial to go for homeopathy to treat vitiligo than suppressing it with steroids. 

- Written by Dr. Mithila, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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