Case-1: 45 years old male had six courses of antibiotics for recurring prostatitis, finally got successfully treated using homeopathy

45 years old gentleman, young and dynamic investment baking executive, presented with recurring prostatitis since last four years. He would develop acute symptoms every four to six months, lasting for about four to eight weeks.

He was thoroughly investigated to rule out all sorts of infections including HIV, VDRL (for gonorrhea and syphilis), herpes infection, etc; which came negative. He was diagnosed as a case of Abacterial Prostatitis by the urologist. He received course of antibiotic every time, but only to take care of that episode. The recurrence would not be prevented by the antibiotics.

His case was evaluated in details including his detailed symptoms of prostatitis, pattern of episodes, painfulness of urination, etc. His general symptoms such as heat and food tolerance was taken note of; his sleep pattern was also taken note of. His emotions such as ambitious attitudes and his inability to cope the same; his impatience, dominance over subordinates, haughtiness, etc. were carefully noted.

Based on the entire case totality, a remedy called Lycopodium clavatum was selected and prescribed in certain potency with suitable repetition. (Please do not think of self medicating with this medicine.)

After six months of medication, he did not have a single episode. The medicine was continued with some additional support remedy, and in one year time he had not a single episode of prostatitis. His treatment was continued for 18 months. He had not attack till the date and the treatment was concluded.

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