Chronic Progressive Asthma Treated Efficaciously at Life Force Homeopathy

45 years old, Mrs. L. J. (PIN 28023) started treatment at Life Force Paud road branch on 21st Feb 2016 for her complaints of Asthma suffering since 2010. She was suffering from dry cough, shortness of breath, discomfort, wheezing, swelling all over the body, and sneezing. All symptoms were quite severe during the attack, and for that, she used to take bronchodilator. 

She had acidity from the past 10 years, and she used to suffer from an episode every day. She was suffering from a headache, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting during the attack.

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She was a tall lady. She preferred a vegetarian diet. She used to experience profuse perspiration. She was sensitive to cold. Her sleep was distributed due to this problem.

Mrs. L. J. was a homemaker. Her husband was a farmer. Her son was a teacher, and her other son was preparing for his exam. She had good relations with all family members.
Her father had suffered from cancer of lungs, and her sister had asthma.

Mrs. L. J. did not suffer from any major illness in the past.

She was very emotional and used to weep even watching movies. Her childhood was stressful due to a financial problem. She used to become irritable when she had to think against her will.

Dr. Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed Natrum Sulph 30 C with research-based molecules for asthma.


Mrs. L. J. gave feedback over the phone on 18th April 2016. Her asthma was under control and the dependency on bronchodilators was reduced.

On 14th August 2016, she mentioned that she did not experience an asthmatic episode since the homeopathic treatment had started. Also, her acidity was also under control.

On 1st December 2016, when her son gave feedback over the phone, there was a 90% improvement in her condition. Her dependency on bronchodilators had reduced significantly.

On 14th January 2017, Mrs. L.J reported over the phone there was a 100% improvement in her condition. And, she had stopped taking bronchodilators. 


This case shows that homeopathy can reduce the dependency on bronchodilator effectively in a very short time.


(Written by Dr. Ishwari, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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