Severe Urticaria Treated Effectively In A Very Short Duration By Homeopathy At Life Force

A 26-years-old young male, Mr. S.S.P. (Patient Ref No: 30178) visited Life Force on 27th October 2016 with the complaints of urticaria and hypothyroidism. The patient was suffering from urticaria since three years. His disease had progressed in the last few months. At the time of consultation his legs, hands, chest, back, abdomen, sole, face, and lips were affected by the disease. He suffered from severe itching and burning. The patient had a wheel like eruptions on the affected body parts. Angioedema was also present in this case.

Apart from urticaria, the patient was also suffering from hypothyroidism since 7 months. At the time of diagnosis, his TSH was 43. He had gained 10 kg wt. He was taking thyroid supplement regularly and in six months his TSH level went down from 43 to 8.

The patient was non-vegetarian by diet. His appetite was excessive. He was very fond of milk, chicken, fish, and fruits. His thirst was average. He was a chilly patient. His motion, urine, and sleep were normal. He experienced no specific dream during the sleep. His perspiration was scanty.

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In his family, his grandfather (paternal side) and father both were suffering from urticaria. There was no specific past history.

He was joyful by nature. He loved drawing a lot. His drawing was displayed in the exhibition. Occasionally, he used to turn irritable. He was unmarried. He liked music and playing guitar. 

After studying his detailed case history, he was prescribed research-based molecule for his urticaria complaint. 

After 2 months of medication on 14th December 2016, when the patient gave his follow-up, there was a drastic improvement seen in his relief from eruptions and itching. He experienced 50% improvement in all symptoms. He had not suffered from any episode of urticaria since 20-25 days.

Later, when the patient gave the next follow-up on 7th February 2017, he experienced a drastic improvement in his relief from complaints. His complaint showed more than 80% improvement. He had not faced any episode since 2-3 months. His itching was totally cured.

Two months later on 5th April 2017, when he gave his follow-up, all his symptoms had improved by 90%. The patient was very happy with his improvement.

He reported for his recent follow-up on 12th June 2017. His condition had improved a lot. His urticaria complaint was totally cured. There was no repetition of urticaria episode. All symptoms, such as itching, redness, wheel formation, and sensitivity, were completely cured. His angioedema complaint also fully cured. 

He is still continuing our medicine for further recovery.


This case shows that urticaria can be effectively controlled with homeopathic medicines without the use of external applications of any kind. 

- Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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