I re-gained control over my life by getting treated for Schizophrenia by homeopathy

Fifty-four years old Mrs. M. P. R. (PIN 31486) visited our Life Force’s Vashi branch on 3rd March 2017 for her Schizophrenia.

She was suffering from Schizophrenia since 2013. Her complaints started suddenly when her neighbor threatened her with the knife and warned that they will kill her because of some political disputes between them. During this incidence, she was alone at home.

After this incidence, her behavior became erratic. Her behavior and speech were violent. She developed fear of people surrounding her. She had uncontrolled thoughts that people would attack her, would kill her and she was hospitalized for 3 days in 2013. 

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When she visited Life Force she had following complaints:

Abnormal behavior, irrelevant talk, fear of being attacked, fear to go out of home would think someone will kill her by the knife. Was suspicious of people surrounding her. Had fear of poisoning. She always felt that someone is watching her. She was the assumption that people are talking about her, planning to harm her. She was suspicious of her family members too.

She had difficulty to concentrate on her work. Her mind would be preoccupied with lots of unwanted thoughts which could lead to distress and more of irritation. She also had insomnia due to excessive and continuous uncontrolled thoughts. To get rid of these constant negative thoughts she used to pray continuously.

Her brain CT-Scan didn't show any abnormality.

She has been on the various Anti-psychotics, Anti depressant's for almost 3 years which were mildly effective for her and has led to drug dependency. Allopathic doctors had tapered her Anti-psychotics but were not able to stop it completely.

Her appetite was normal. She preferred more of sweets and spicy food. Her water intake was normal. She was sensitive to cold temperature and was slightly obese.

She is a known case of Hypertension for 10 years.
When asked about any physical symptoms, present or past, there was no any past or family history of major illness.

Her husband was alcoholic and expired within few years of their marriage. She had worked on farms and had small-scale mango business. Being a single parent she had faced many difficulties for the upbringing of her children. But gradually everything has been settled in her life. Now due to her complaints, she has also stopped her Mango business. She has two sons, but since her daughters-in-law are not co-operative she stays alone at her village place and rest of family stays in Mumbai.

Mrs. M.P.R was given Anacardium Occidentale 30 along-with Dr. Shah’s research-based medicines after detail case study by Dr. Shah.

After 6 weeks of medications during her first follow-up on 7th April 2017, she was almost 50% better. She was not bothered with unwanted thoughts; her sleep was improved. Her son informed her erratic behavior is reduced, she has started to mix with people. 

When she returned back again after 6 weeks on 12th June 2017 her mental state was further improved, her energy levels were higher. She was able to go independently in a market and manage her Mango business. She started to feel more positive and strong.

By the time of her fourth visit after three months, On 5th October 2017, she was almost 80% better. Her behavior was more discreet. She was loquacious this time, was looking more fresh and enthusiastic than earlier. Even she was able to stop her conventional medicines too, which she was taking since last 3 years. Now she is stable, happy and enjoying her work. She was happy that she is able to manage her work in-spite of schizophrenia.

After starting homeopathic treatment, she has gained control over her life again.


This case highlights the efficacy of homeopathy for a difficult disease such as Schizophrenia. The experience suggests that Schizophrenia is difficult to manage with homeopathy. Only some cases show significant improvement, This case is one such example. She could also reduce her dependency of chemical based anti-psychotic medicines.  Otherwise, she would have been dependent on major Anti-psychotics perhaps for the rest of her life which would have additionally caused her other problems due to their side effects.

- Written by Dr.Mithila, Associate doctor to Dr.Rajesh Shah

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