A Businessman Got Complete Relief From Migraine With Homeopathy

A 34-years-old male, Mr. S.S (PIN 31733) came to Life Force Homeopathy with a complaint of migraine. He was suffering from migraine since 3-4 years. He was suffering from the discomfort of migraine daily, and his head used to pain the whole day. He suffered from a continuous pain so his sleep was disturbed. There was no nausea and vomiting. He used to feel giddy when he would work out. He was taking Tablet sibelium 5 mg half tablet daily since 2 years.

He was a vegetarian with an average appetite. There were no specific desires and no aversions. His thirst and perspiration were average. He was intolerant to the warm weather. His bowels and urination were normal.

He was running a family business of a sugar factory. His father and brothers were in the same field. His wife was a homemaker. He was having a 4-years-old daughter. 

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He was a mild, gentle person. There was no stress found on enquiry. He had three brothers and all were in the same field. He was a mechanical engineer. He was a very sensitive, less communicative, and a shy person.

He had a history of allergy to dust which was better now.

His father was suffering from hypertension and mother was having diabetes.

Based on the above case history and details, he was prescribed with research-based molecules. 

On 19th April 2017, his relief from migraine was better by 60-70%. There was a gradual improvement seen in his sleep. He had stopped taking sibelium in March 2017. 

When he came for the next follow-up on 6th June 2017, there was a slight increase in his migraine since the last 8 days. His sleep was sound, and he didn’t suffer from giddiness anymore. This time Dr. Shah made a few changes in his medicines. 

On 6th October 2017, he reported a total improvement in his migraine. There was one mild episode of headache in the last 2 months, which was not typical headache. This time his blood pressure was normal. The patient's general physical and mental conditions were showing a marked improvement. 

In the month of December 2017, he reported a total recovery from migraine pain. He was very happy with the treatment. There was no major episode of migraine in the last 5-6 months. He reported 100% improvement in his headache. He had stopped using his allopathic medicines since April 2017.


Homeopathy is helpful in treating migraine cases and helps in reducing the pain and discomfort of the patient. Homeopathy is also beneficial in minimizing the dependency on painkillers substantially.

- Written by Dr. Amrita K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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