Fungal Infection Got Completely Cured By Homeopathy At Life Force

A 50-years-old serviceman, Mr. SNP (PIN 25662) visited Life Force Vashi branch on 14th May 2015. 

The patient was suffering from the complaints of fungal infection on his left leg since one year. The whitish lesion was present in between his 4th & 5th toe. Perspiration and winters used to aggravate the condition.

Patient also had complaints of fissure-in-ano.

He used to eat a vegetarian diet and had an average appetite. Perspiration was offensive, profuse on his palms and soles, and it would leave stains.

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The patient was timid, lacked self-confidence, underestimated himself, anxious, had fear of closed spaces, sensitive, reserved, and calm, but also would get angry. He experienced tremors during anger. He liked solitude.

After studying his case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed him medicines for 6 weeks.

During the patient’s first follow-up on 25th June 2015, there was a little improvement in his fungal infection but fissure-in-ano recovered 90%!

Later, in the patient’s follow-up on 26th August 2015, there was further improvement in his relief from the fungal infection.

The patient continued the homeopathic treatment with us, and after 2.5 years of treatment his latest follow-up on 2nd Dec 2017 showed 100% recovery in the fungal infection.


Homeopathy works best in treating the reoccurring conditions, like fungal infection, and helps in removing it from its root cause.

-Written by Dr. Krutika, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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