100% Recovery From Lichen Planus Achieved With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 26-years-old patient, Mr. S. K. (PIN 27037) visited Life Force for his complaint of lichen planus on 5th December 2015. He was suffering from lichen planus since 4 years and it was progressing slowly. He was having lichenified hyper-pigmented spots all over his limbs (right shoulder, right & left forearm, right & left thigh, and left side of waist). Those spots were quite itchy with a slight burning sensation. He had taken allopathic medicines in the past, but found no relief.

Mr. S. K also had acne vulgaris from the past four years. He had acne on face and shoulder. His acne was painful and reddish in color.

He had suffered from jaundice in his childhood.

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His father had suffered from diabetes mellitus.

He was having a mixed diet with an average appetite. He was having craving for spicy food. His thirst was average. He used to have beer alternate day. His perspiration was average. Thermally, he was more sensitive to the hot weather. His bowel and micturition were normal.

Physically, he was tall and lean. He was an electrical engineer, and he was living alone in Pune for job. His childhood was happy and supportive. There was no major family or job stress in his life. His interpersonal relations with family members were good.

He was mild, gentle, confident, and expressive, but he preferred to live alone. He was very selective in making friends. He could not trust anyone easily.

After studying his detail case history, Dr. Shah prescribed him the medicines for his lichen planus complaint on 12th October 2015 for 6 weeks.

Mr. S. K. took his medicines for 6 weeks. And, he visited us for his first follow-up on 5th December 2015 and reported overall 75% improvement in his condition. Spots over his right shoulder, right and left forearm, right and left thighs, left waist, and neck had reduced by 75%. Itching and burning had also reduced. Acne was also reduced by 90%.

He continued his medicines from Life Force. And, on 20th September 2016, his overall complaints had 98% reduced. Spots on his right and left thigh had disappeared. Spots over his right shoulder, right and left forearm, left waist, and neck had reduced by 98%.

On 31st Jan 2017, his condition was as it is. No new spots had developed. Old spots were healing. He was very happy with the results.

Finally, on 5th January 2018, the patient reported 100 % recovery. There were no new spots. His old spots had dried and flattened.


This case highlights that 100% recovery is possible in lichen planus with the help of homeopathy.

- Written by Dr. Khushbunnisa, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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