“God Bless You Doctor Shah... Your miracle medicine has given my life back... It was tough battle with Urticaria. Thank you so much….”

Mrs. N. A. was surfing on the internet for homeopathic treatment for Urticaria. She came across Dr. Shah’s website and made a quick chat with one of our associate doctors. She made an appointment to meet Dr. Shah personally. She visited Life Force on 14th October 2013. She had traveled from Delhi. She was (Patient Identification Number - 21780) thirty one years old young married lady with a two year old child. She had started with these hives since May 2013. It was confined to the scalp only and would happen once in four to five days. The intensity was moderate to severe and would stay all day. The hives, itching and burning increased since July 2013. At that time the hives would come all over the body, once in fifteen days and would last for four to five days. She had to take a week’s cortisone medicines to get relief. She resorted to ayurvedic treatment for a month, but did not get any result. For the past two months she was taking treatment from local homeopathic doctor without much results. She had similar Urticaria episode at the age of twelve, which was treated successfully with homeopathic medicines then.

She was diagnosed with underactive thyroid in 2010. She was operated for ovarian cyst in 201, the pre operative tests detected the under active thyroid. She was asymptomatic otherwise. She was taking thyroid supplements.

Since childhood she had difficulty passing stools. It would be hard and require straining. The bowel movements would occur once in three to four days. She had not taken any treatment.

Her appetite was average. She liked chicken, salty, spicy and sour food. She disliked sweets. Her water intake was less. She did not sweat much, but was sensitive to warm temperature.

She was a home maker. She had a two year old son. Her husband was working in sales department in an esteemed company. She was staying as a nuclear family. Her in laws were staying in Delhi. She had cordial relations with in laws.

She was sensitive and emotional. She would get tensed for trivial issues like house cleaning. She would get irritable and throw tantrums in anger. She could not forget feelings of hurt easily. They would keep on disturbing her. She would often brood over them. She could easily weep on small issues and feel better when consoled.

Her father had heart disease. Her mother had asthma and sinusitis.

Dr. Shah prescribed her Ferrum Metallicum 30c two doses along with Pulsatilla Nigricans 30c for two months.

She called up on 9th November to inform about mild increase in hives since two days. She was advised to continue with the medicines as prescribed.

She visited for first follow up on 11th December 2013. She was happy to report 60% improvement. The frequency of hives had reduced to once a week as compared to twice or thrice. The duration of the symptoms had also improved to two days as compared to four to five days. The itching intensity was much improved. Her constipation was over 70% improved. Dr. Shah enhanced her prescription for next two months.

She visited on 15th February 2014 for second follow up. There was further improvement of around 70% – 80%. The hives were now minimized to few spots only as compared to before whole body. The itching was almost 90% relieved. She had started with moderate alternating headache, once in fifteen days since two months. The pain would subside with pain killer in half an hour. Dr. Shah added a research based medicine for this also in the prescription.

She gave an online feedback on 2nd April 2014 as she could not visit the center. She was glad to report overall 90% improvement in her Urticaria. The frequency was much less and the rash would subside in a day’s time. The severity was much less. It would get triggered by warm weather, stress, and tight clothes.

She expressed her gratitude and said – “Now I can spend a lot of time with my family, specially my two and a half year old son.”

Uploaded on 8th May 2014, by Dr. M. N. P.

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