Lichen Planus all over the body since 3 years, triggered by stress. Responded to medicine addressed to the stress and its after effects.

34-year-old male patient, Mr. J. V. (Patient Reference no. L7739) came with the complaint of diffusely spread papular eruptions all over the body for 3 years. The eruptions were violaceous in color with mild itching. Few eruptions healed leaving hyperpigmented marks. He had been diagnosed with Lichen Planus and the histopathology report of his skin lesions confirmed the diagnosis of lichen planus.

The eruptions of LP were brought on by stress. He was on steroidal local applications without much relief. He also had similar eruptions on the scalp which had led to the development of alopecia patches. He also complained of dandruff and itching on the scalp.

The patient had an average built, having craving for spicy food and aversion to sweets. The patient was a perfectionist by nature and would get angry if work was not done the way he believed it should be done. He was punctual and fastidious. He could not tolerate any lapse from his colleagues. He was anxious about the future of his family.

Based on the above history, he was prescribed Staphysagria 200. The lesions on the body improved considerably within a couple of months of starting treatment. The lesions on the scalp also showed reasonable improvement within about 4-5 months of treatment. The hyperpigmented marks also reduced considerably with the use of these medicines. The patient continues to do well in our treatment.

This case illustrates the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in treating Lichen Planus cases with an extensive spread of the disease.

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