An Unusual Case Of Huge Warts On Scalp Of 10-Years-Old Girl Was Treated Quite Effectively With Homeopathy

A 10-years-old girl (PIN L-9731) came to the clinic, accompanied by her mother, with complaints of warts on the scalp since birth. A huge cluster of warts measuring around 8 cms x 3 cms with many growths like that of cauliflower was present on her scalp. It was an unusual presentation of viral warts. She used to experience tremendous itching, which led to scratching followed by bleeding. There was no hair growth on the affected surface. The warty skin was raised about 2mm above the normal skin. She had these warts for more than five years. 

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She had an average appetite, but she was extremely fond of spicy food. She was a hyperactive child, who was always on the move. Her mannerisms were boyish. She would wear only trousers and shirts, and she had a complete aversion for female attire. She would always want to go out and play games like volleyball, cricket, and other outdoor sports with her brothers. She was stubborn and would often fight with her mother on the issues of sibling rivalry. Her concentration in studies was disturbed from a few months and more extrovert behavior was noticed. 

There was no significant history of autoimmune diseases in her family. 

Based on the above case history, her case was evaluated according to the homeopathic protocols and she was started on the treatment for warts. Dr. Shah’s research-based medicines for warts along with her constitutional remedy Sepia 200 were prescribed to her. It may be noted that the patient was earlier treated by a homeopath by using some of the commonly used medicines, such as Thuja and Causticum, without any relief. 

Within 8 weeks of the treatment, her itching was better by 20%. The large surface area occupied by the wart had reduced by about 20% in size. 

In the subsequent 8 weeks, her warts had flattened further and the cauliflower-like appearance had reduced considerably. 

In 12 months of the treatment, her wart had improved remarkably. Most of the cauliflower like vesicles had fallen off. (Please see photos). The wart was further getting reduced in size. The itching was better by 70% than earlier. There was an improvement in her behavior as well. Her mother was happy. 

She is still under our care and we expect a complete recovery. We shall post photos once she recovers fully. 


This case is an excellent illustration of how homeopathy can cure even difficult cases like a huge cluster of warts.

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