3 Years Persistent Peripheral Neuropathy Treated Effectively In 2 Months With Homeopathy

A 44-years-old lady, Mrs. R. M. (PIN 12479) came to the Life Force clinic with the complaints of peripheral neuropathy. She was suffering from numbness, tingling, and burning sensation on both her soles for 3 years. She was experiencing a pulling type of pain with a tingling sensation in her legs. The numbness was so intense that she was not able to sleep at night. On examination, there was swelling on both her legs and it was more marked on the left leg with pitting. Her complaints used to get worse when she was in the lying down position and turn better on standing. She was experiencing no difficulty in walking. She was on Tablet Pregnalin 75 OD from the last 2 years. 

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There was a craving for spicy and sour food with a reduced thirst. There was profuse perspiration on her face and armpits and it was quite offensive. She preferred the cold climate.

She had no children (In her past history, she had suffered from abdominal tuberculosis for which she had taken AKT for 1 year due to which there were adhesions in the fallopian tube). The couple had tried for IVF twice. 

She was staying with her husband in a joint family. She was the eldest daughter-in-law of the family. There was no pressure from her in-laws because of not having any children, but she used to feel very lonely and unhappy as all other daughters-in-law were having 2 kids. She would not cry easily, but her eyes were moist while describing all these feelings. She admitted that this was the major setback in her family, as there would be no one to take care of her and her husband at the later stages in the life. She was dealing with a lot of insecurity about the future. To distract her mind, she was keeping herself busy in the household work, religious activities, and business. 

There was a strong family history of diabetes mellitus in the patient’s family. 

Based on these case details, Dr. Shah prescribed Plumbum Met 200 along with certain other medicines. 

In 8 weeks of the treatment, she reported of having a lot of relief. Her relief from the burning sensation was better by 50%. The tingling and numbness was less by 30% The medicines were continued further. 

In 4 months of the treatment, there was 75% betterment in her complaints. The tingling and numbness had reduced substantially. She was able to sleep well at night. 

She is continuing with the medicines further for complete recovery.


This case illustrates that homeopathy is extremely effective in treating peripheral neuropathy significantly and safely without any side-effects.

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