1 Year Persistent Heel Pain Of Calcaneal Spur Was Relieved In 4 Weeks With Homeopathy

A 46-years-old lady, Mrs. S.G. (PIN 17599) came to Life Force with the complaints of heel pain. She was suffering from a severe pain in the right heel from the last one year. She was experiencing a difficulty of getting up from the bed in the morning. The pain used to increase when she would start walking initially in the morning, after waking up. No X-ray was done. She had undergone several sessions of phototherapy with a little relief in her pain.

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She was a teacher in Dubai. She used to travel to get to the school and used to stand for long hours while teaching the students. The pain would not allow her to stand for a long, and she used to sit frequently or take rest while teaching. She was on painkillers, which would relieve her of the pain for some time. 

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied her case in detail and diagnosed it as Calcaneal Spur. She was advised to get an X-ray done for the heel pain. Meanwhile, medicines were prescribed to her. 

Within four weeks of the treatment, she reported her heel pain was relieved by 50 %. The early morning intensity of the pain had subsided by 30%. The X-ray confirmed Calcaneal Spur. 

In four months of the treatment, she was completely relieved of the heel pain. She no more needed to take painkillers. The pain would sometimes occur occasionally and was manageable for which she did not require medication. She was able to stand and teach for long hours. Mrs. S. G. was satisfied and happy with the treatment.


This case illustrates that homeopathy work wonders in treating the heel pain occurring due to Calcaneal Spur and providing the patient a complete relief from the pain safely without any side-effects.

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