Chronic Asthma Treated Successfully With Homeopathic Medicines At Life Force

Chronic Asthma Treated Successfully With Homeopathic Medicines At Life Force 

A 17-year-old girl from West Bengal, Ms. A. S. (PIN: 37570) visited and started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for her complaint of Asthma on 3rd August 2018.   
She was suffering from it for 3 years. The patient was experiencing acute episodes of asthma 2-3 times in a year. Once it started, it used to last for 3-4 days. It often started with a nose block and sneezing. Gradually, it progressed to breathing difficulty. The cough was also present. There was no fever associated with the episode. The patient had to take an inhaler during acute episodes of asthma. There was a strong family history of Asthma noticed during a detailed case taking. She was also suffering from chronic urticaria, for which she was taking our treatment.

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Her appetite was average. She had craving for spicy food. She had an aversion to sweets. Her thirst for water was less. She had no issues related to the urine and stool. Her sleep was sound. 

The patient was studying in 10th standard. Her father was a manager, and her mother was a housewife. She was very mild and gentle. She had a reserved nature and would get along easily with others. 

She had no major illnesses in the past. Her father and mother suffered from Asthma.

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed some research-based homeopathic medicines to the patient. She was also given diet recommendations along with the medicines.

On 2nd March 2019, the patient reported that there was no change in her condition with the medicines. She was still getting acute episodes of asthma, just like she used to experience before. She experienced cough and nose block in the initial stage, and, later on, she experienced breathlessness. The patient was required to opt for an inhaler regularly during the episodes. Based on this feedback, Dr. Shah reviewed the case and prescribed medicines to the patient. 

On 18th September 2019, the patient updated being almost 60%-70% recovered with the medicines. She had no episode of asthma in the past 6 months. She was perfectly fine. Her breathing was normal without any difficulty. She was not required to take any inhaler or allopathic medicines. She was overall improved with the medicines.

On 13th January 2020, the patient updated being almost 95% better with the medicines. She had experienced no acute episode in the past many months. The patient had a mild cold in between, but it went away on its own. She is no more required to take an inhaler or any allopathic medicines. The patient was perfectly fine now. She and her family were very happy with the results.

The patient and her parents thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating her and improving her health.

This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating chronic asthma incredibly and safely without any side-effects.

-Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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