Relief From Chronic Pain & Stiffness Of Ankylosing Spondylitis Is Achieved With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 35-years-old man from Patna, Mr. R. K. (PIN 23545) started treatment at Life Force Homeopathy on 9th September 2014 for his complaint of ankylosing spondylitis.

His HLA B27 was positive. He was suffering from continuous aching pain and stiffness in the neck and hip from the last 12 years. He was experiencing difficulty while sleeping, while bending legs, particularly during squatting position, and was also unable to sit on the chair properly.

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His pain used to get increased on lifting weight, exertion, sitting for a longer period, and after eating some food which contains chilies, tamarind, lemon, tomatoes, curd, peas, grams, rice, idli, dosa, and some more foods. He used to experience more pain and stiffness during the winter season.

He was taking many allopathic medicines but found no relief.

He was also suffering from constipation along with his chief complaint.

His appetite was average. He was having a strong craving for sweets. His thirst was average. He was enjoying a sound sleep. He was more sensitive to the heat and used to get profuse perspiration, particularly while walking.

As per the patient, he was very active in his childhood. Also, he was very good in his studies. He used to learn all the things quickly, such as riding a bicycle, scooter, and motorcycle. Overall, he was ahead of the children of his age group. 

The patient was not having any major financial or family stress.

After studying his detailed case study, Dr. Shah prescribed him his research-based molecules for Ankylosing Spondylitis on 28th October 2014.

On 16th December 2014, the patient started experiencing improvement in his condition. He was better by 10% to 15% than earlier. The intensity of his pain was reduced by 15%.

Then, he continued the treatment, and, on 13th November 2015, he reported a 25% recovery.

On 13th July 2017, he was overall better by 50%. His pain had decreased, and his stiffness was also reduced by 50%. His dependency on painkillers too had reduced. He found great relief in his multiple joints pain, particularly in the right-hand metacarpal joints by 95%.

He is still on the treatment of Life Force Homeopathy for maximum recovery.


This case illustrates that homeopathy offers the best supportive treatment in cases of Ankylosing Spondylosis. Homeopathy not only reduces pain and discomfort resulting due to ankylosing spondylitis but also provides you a great relief safely without any side-effects.

(Written by Dr. Khushbunnisa, Associate doctor to Dr. Shah)

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