Homeopathy Works Extremely Well In Treating Chronic Migraine In Short Duration

Mr. S.K.P. (PIN: 40682) consulted at Life Force’s Vashi center for the complaint of his migraine in July 2019. He was suffering from the migraine from 6 to 7 years. He had a severe headache. His headache was always unilateral, but the side was not fixed. The pain was continuous lasting from a few hours to three-four days, and it was very frequent. Most often, he experienced this headache once in a week. Along with severe throbbing and pulsating pain, he was experiencing severe sensitivity to the light and noise. Nausea and vomiting were also common symptoms which he experienced during the episode. Due to these frequent severe headaches, his daily life was disturbed. He had consulted many doctors and taken many conventional medicines, but the result of those medicines was temporary. He was very disturbed due to repetitive episodes of headache.

In addition to this, he had constipation, piles, and fissure-in-ano complaint.

He was a non-vegetarian by diet and was quite fond of sour food. Also, he was suffering from constipation. Due to the intake of non-vegetarian, spicy, and oily food, both his complaints of piles and fissure-in-ano triggered on & off. His sleep was disturbed. His other physical generals, such as thirst, perspiration, and others, were average.

He was a very anxious patient. He always thought about his condition. Also, he was a very joyful, talkative, and sanguine person. He was emotional and short-tempered by nature.

In his past, he had renal calculus and bell’s palsy complaint. For renal calculus, he had done the laparoscopic surgery in 2017.

In his family history, his two brothers also had a headache complaint. Except for this, there was no other specific family medical history present.

After studying his case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed two doses of Natrum Mur 30 and his research-based molecule to the patient.

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After following the homeopathic medicines for six weeks, he reported about his condition on 26th August 2019. He informed that, after starting the medicine, his body experienced some improvement. However, after 20 days, he indulged in smoking for the first time and took citrus and heavy food; so, the next day, he faced a severe episode of migraine. After two days, his condition had again started to show some improvement. After taking the detailed feedback, the patient was prescribed the next medicine and advised to follow a restricted diet. There was no change in his constipation complaint. Due to constipation and irregular diet, his complaints of fissure and piles had triggered. So, he was advised to start the homeopathic medicine for that complaint also. He started his medicine for fissure-in-ano, piles, and constipation.

After two months’ course of homeopathic medicine, his relief in the migraine complaint had improved by more than 60%. The intensity, frequency, and duration of his episode of migraine had reduced. He stopped having conventional painkillers completely. He could now do his work in a better way. His relief in the second complaint of fissure and piles were also showing some improvement. He was regularly following homeopathic medicine and the recommended diet.

On 25th January 2020, he informed about his condition. His migraine was 80% reduced. He had not experienced any episode of migraines in the last month. The severity of his symptoms had also reduced a lot. Previously, his headache was very severe, which now was reduced. His other discomforting symptoms, such as vomiting and nausea, had stopped totally. His sensitivity towards noise and light was also reduced by 75%.

He was quite thankful to Life Force for giving him headache-free life. He was suffering from migraine headaches for many years. His family and his professional life were disturbed a lot, but, after completing 7 to 8 months homeopathic medicine course, his condition & relief had improved a lot. He could now live comfortably without the fear of a migraine episode.



This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating migraine successfully and safely without any side-effects.

  • Written by Dr. Priyanka Agarwal, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD, Hom)
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