A Chronic Case Of Obsessive Compulsion Disorder Responded Incredibly To Homeopathic Medicines

A mother of a 35-years-old male patient named Mr. K.S. (PIN: 24808) from Ghatkopar, Mumbai visited Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 11th February 2015 to seek the treatment for her son's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from which he was suffering since his childhood. The intensity of his complaints was less in the early childhood, gradually, as he grew up, the severity increased. And, from 2015, his condition got so worse that his complaints started to disturb his surrounding people. He had an intense fear of contamination, and he used to throw away even his new trousers. He had a washing mania. He was experiencing the hallucination of the smell of dead bodies. In 2014, he was treated by anti-depressants for a while. When he visited Life Force clinic, he was not on any medicines.

Past History & Family History Of Illness: 
In the past, he had not suffered from any other major illness. In his family, his mother was claustrophobic, his maternal uncle suffered from Schizophrenia, and his maternal aunt suffered from Postpartum Depression. His mother was a known case of Hypertension, and his father was suffering from an Underactive Thyroid.

Physical Generals:
His appetite was immoderate and had increased, and he used to eat at small intervals. He had a craving for spicy food and an aversion to the sweets. He was sensitive to the heat. His sleep was sound.

Self & Family Set-Up:
He was a share market consultant, and his father was in a business of construction. His wife was a fashion designer. As a child, he was very fearful and used to startle easily. He was having OCD traits since childhood. Now, he had turned timid by nature and suspicious towards his wife.

After studying the case history and its details in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed THUJA OCCIDENTALIS-200 along with his research-based medicines.
On 23rd March 2015, the patient’s mother called up and reported regarding her son's condition. He was doing well, and his complaints of frequent washing of hands had been reduced by 25%. His fear of contamination and his hallucinations too had reduced.

In the subsequent feedback, he reported that he was doing well. As per the case requirements, Dr. Shah revised the medicines and doses. In December 2015, the patient's mother reported that he was completely fine. There were no symptoms of frequent washing of hands and hallucinations of the smell of the dead bodies. Dr. Shah advised to continue the treatment for a few more weeks and then to stop the medicines.

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In January 2016, the patient’s mother reported that his complaints had increased. The symptoms of the fear of contamination and his compulsion to wash the hands had started again, and, also, his sleep was disturbed. There was no probable cause found on the inquiry for the increase in complaints. Dr. Shah changed the prescription and advised to inform after 4 weeks. In March 2017, he reported that he was doing well. His obsession to wash the hands had reduced and his fear of contamination had reduced by 50%. His sleep had improved, but, along with Homeopathic medicines, he was taking Tablet. Zosert 50 mg (Anti-depressant) medicines too for the last 2-3 months. 

For the next few months, he was quite well, but he was not able to stop the anti-depressants. His symptoms would recur again after stopping the anti-depressant. So, Dr. Shah studied his case once again and, based on the reevaluation of the case, he prescribed a new set of medicines. After following new medicines, he showed a persistent improvement in his well-being and was advised to taper the dose of Tablet. Zosert 50 mg. He was advised to take it on alternate days for the next 4 weeks. So, gradually, it was tapered and stopped completely in April 2017.

In his recent feedback on 11th August 2018, the patient's mother reported that he has turned better by 90%, and he has not been on any conventional medicines. His recovery from the compulsion to wash the hands and the fear of contamination has been better by 90%, and his sleep has also turned sound now. In between, he had complained of memory weakness for the recent events, and his recovery from memory weakness too has been better now.

He is still continuing with the medicines for the further improvement of his condition.

This case highlights that chronic and difficult cases like Obsessive Compulsion Disorder can be treated effectively with Homeopathy. Homeopathy can not only treat the physical illnesses successfully but also be used effectively for treating the mental imbalances significantly and safely without any side-effects. Also, with homeopathy, the dependency on the conventional medicines can be reduced and, in some cases, we can even stop the conventional medicines.

-Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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