A Patient Got A Great Relief From Hair Fall With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 59-years-old married female, Mrs. J.G.M. (PIN: 30158) consulted at Life Force for her complaints of hair fall on the 26th October 2016. She had a hair fall complaint from the last 3-4 years. Approximately 30-40 her hair stands were falling per day. She had also complained of thinning of her hair. She had mild dandruff. She had used a chemical application in the past. She was not taking any treatment for it. Besides this, she was also suffering from lichen planus, obesity, and sleeplessness. She had also started the treatment for lichen planus from Life Force.

She was a non-vegetarian by diet. She liked sweets a lot. She didn’t like spicy food. Her thirst was very less. Her stool was satisfactory. Her perspiration was profuse, & it was mainly on her forehead, neck, and armpits. Her menopause had started 4 years back. She was obese & had a large frame by physique. Her sleep was disturbed. She used to sleep on her back. She did not see any peculiar dreams.

She had a nodular TB in her past medical history. In her family medical history, her father was suffering from diabetes, and her mother was suffering from hypertension and hemorrhoid. Her sister was also suffering from lichen planus.

She was a housewife. Her husband was retired from Merchant Navy as a Chief Engineer. Her daughter was married & settled in the USA. Her son was also working in Bangalore.

She was anxious by nature. She was short-tempered. She used to think a lot, so she used to turn small matters into a big issue. She was worried about her health. Her husband was in the Merchant navy, so she lived alone with her kids. Due to this reason, she felt alone in her past. 

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After studying her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed two doses of Sepia 30 and his research-based molecule to her. Also, she was advised to do some blood tests.
After two months of the treatment on 12th December 2016, the patient gave her feedback. After starting the homeopathic treatment, her relief from the complaints had started improving gradually. Her relief from hair fall was 25% improved. In her blood tests, vitamins deficiencies were detected so she was advised to start some vitamins supplements. Her recovery from lichen planus had also started improving.

When she informed about her condition on 11th April 2017, her hair-fall was under control. Her 15-20 hair stands were falling per day. Her dandruff had reduced drastically. Her sleep had improved remarkably and that was considered as a good sign of her general health improvement. Her recovery from lichen planus was also showing a good improvement.

On 13th November 2017, when she visited at the center, her hair fall complaint had aggravated from the last 4-5 months. Approximately her 20-25 hair stands were falling daily. Her sleeplessness was also aggravated. But, her recovery from lichen planus was 75% improved. Her relief from itching was 80% improved.

When the patient visited the center on 31st May 2018 for a follow-up, her hair fall complaint was still present. No changes were observed in her hair fall and dandruff condition. So, Dr. Shah did the required changes in her medicines & advised her to continue the vitamins supplements. Her relief from lichen planus was in a good state.

On 7th September 2018, when she visited at the center for her follow-up, her relief from hair fall complaint was improved a lot. Her hair falling was reduced drastically. Only 10-12 stands were falling per day. Her relief from other complaints, such as sleeplessness and lichen planus, was also improved. Her recovery from lichen planus was better by more than 75%. Her sleep had improved by more than 80%. Her relief from stress had also improved by 80%. Overall, she was doing very well with the treatment. 

The patient is still continuing the homeopathic treatment from Life Force for further improvement.

This case highlights the efficiency of homeopathic medicines in the treating hair fall effectively and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD, HOM)

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