6 Years Persistent Irregular Menses Got Treated In 1 Year Of Homeopathic Treatment

She was suffering from irregular menses right from 26 years of age, and she was diagnosed with PCOD from the last six years. She would get menses every 2-2.5 months. Her menses would last for 5 days. There were no clots or any pain present during the menses. She had not got her sonography reports. She was advised to get a USG Pelvis investigation done. Also, she had an excessive hair growth on her upper lip and chin from the last six months. Also, she had pimples on her face and upper back from the last six months. Her weight was increasing from a year, and she had put on 5-10 kgs in the last 3-4 months. She had stopped taking hormonal pills from the last six months, but, before that, she had taken them for six years every three months. She had been on laser therapy for the excessive hair growth on the face.

Besides this, she also had complaints of Cervical spondylosis from one month. She was suffering from pain at the nape of her neck that used to radiate to the left shoulder. It was unbearable. Probably, she acquired this due to sitting for long hours and her posture at work. She was taking painkillers and physiotherapy for the pain. 

She was following a mixed diet and craved for sour food, fish, and chicken. She did not like eggs. She used to feel thirsty often. Her perspiration was a little offensive, but she did not perspire much. She could not tolerate a cold climate.

She worked as a back-office executive. She got divorced in 2016 and was staying with her parents and brothers. She was mild, gentle, confident, and a little anxious by nature. She was a very jolly and a happy-go-lucky person. She was very disappointed after her divorce.

She had suffered from Typhoid in 2017. In the family, her father was suffering from hypertension and diabetes. After a detailed study of her case, Dr. Shah’s research-based molecules were prescribed to the patient.

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She was advised to follow a healthy lifestyle and was recommended exercises and walking. She was asked to avoid red meat and oily, fried food and was recommended to have small and frequent meals. Within 1.5 months on 22nd April 2017, she had reduced her weight by 2 kgs. Her hair fall and pimples had reduced significantly.

USG Pelvis report (19/3/2017):

–Both the ovaries were enlarged with small cysts at the periphery. 
–Right ovary measures 41*23 mm. Volume 9 cc. 
–Left ovary measures 34*23 mm. Volume 8 cc.

She continued with the medicines as prescribed. She was advised to start vitamin supplements as her vitamin levels were low.
By 4th July 2017, her symptoms were worse than before. She had not got her menses for 3 months, after April 2017. Her hair fall had increased. Her recovery from the pimples was getting better. She had put on weight again from the last 6 weeks. She had started getting a profuse thin white discharge. Dr. Shah upgraded the medicines further to enhance the treatment.

On 5th August 2017, she visited again for a follow-up and said that her condition was as it is. She had still not got her periods. 

USG Pelvis (2/8/2017):
–Both ovaries are enlarged with small cysts at the periphery. 
–Right ovary measures 37*18*38 mm. Volume 13 cc. 
–Left ovary measures 38*17*35 mm. Volume 11 cc. 

She continued her medicines regularly.

On 9th September 2017, she consulted on phone and mentioned that she had got her menses. Duration of her menses was four days. Her hair fall was still as it is. The white discharge was also as it is. She was advised to continue with the medicines.

In the consecutive follow-up, she mentioned that she had got menses twice in the month of September. After which, they have been regular. Her weight had reduced by 1 kg.

By 12th Jan 2018, she was much better than earlier. She had been regularly getting her menses since September 2017. The duration was for 4-5 days. Her white discharge had reduced, and her hair fall had reduced too. But, she had put on weight. She was advised to reduce her wheat intake. 

For her follow-up on 19th May 2018, she came with the sonography reports.

USG Pelvis (12/5/18): 
–Both ovaries are enlarged with small cysts at the periphery. 
–Right ovary measures 33*17*29 mm. Volume 9 cc. 
–Left ovary measures 35*20*29 mm. Volume 11 cc. 

Her insulin levels also were normal. She was getting her menses regularly. Her hair fall had reduced further. She continued with the medicines.

She has been getting her periods regularly since September 2017. Her weight had been steadily reducing. Her facial hair had reduced. There was no white discharge present. Her pimples were reduced considerably. She was very happy with the treatment. She still continues with the treatment to maintain the regularity of menses. 

This case highlights that PCOD responds well to homeopathic treatment. With homeopathy, the need for hormonal pills to regularize menses can be eliminated like in this case. Just the right homeopathic medicine, lifestyle changes, and dedication in taking the medicines can work wonders in treating the cases of PCOD.

Written by Dr. Chetali, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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