A Young Girl Got 80% Relief From Adenoids In A Few Months With Homeopathy At Life Force.

A 10-years-old girl, Ms. R.S.V. (PIN: 34862) visited Life Force center on 19th December 2017. She was suffering from adenoids and tonsillitis for two and a half years. She used to suffer from nose block, difficulty in breathing, dryness, and difficulty in swallowing liquids and solids. She suffered from swine-flu in 2010. A year later, she had started suffering from the complaints of frequent colds. Her complaints used to get aggravated after eating cold food, ice-cream, in the cold weather, and after getting exposed to the cold weather. She used to get some relief from her complaints after steam inhalation & salt water gargles. She had taken conventional medicines for one year and homeopathy medicines for one and a half years but didn’t get any satisfactory result. Besides respiratory complaints, she was also suffering from otitis media for two and a half years. 

She was a vegetarian by diet. She had an average appetite which used to get reduced during every acute flare-up of tonsillitis. She had no specific liking and disliking. Her thirst and bowel habits were normal. She used to experience average sweating, particularly on the face. She was more tolerant of the warm weather.

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In her family, her paternal grandfather was suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and psoriasis. Besides this, her maternal grandfather was suffering from hypertension. She suffered from swine flu in her past.

She was a reserved person by nature. She was the only child so she was pampered. She was very sensitive and emotional. She had a fear of ghosts. She cried easily. 

After studying her detailed case history, she was prescribed Pulsatilla 30 & research-based molecule for her complaints.

On 4th February 2018, she reported some improvement in her relief from the complaints. The improvement in her condition was observed prominently in difficult breathing and dryness in the nose. All other symptoms were as it is. However, she had not experienced any episode of otitis media in the last two months. She has complained of dullness and weakness so she was advised to do some blood tests.

On 5th May 2018, she reported a good improvement in her condition. The relief from all her symptoms, such as difficulty in breathing, pain, dryness, nose blocking, and difficulty in swallowing, showed more than 50% improvement. Her weakness and dullness had also reduced. 

During her follow-up on 23rd July 2018, she informed more than 60% improvement in her relief from adenoids and tonsillitis complaints. After starting the treatment from Life Force, she had not suffered from otitis media. Her relief from the dullness & weakness had also improved a lot. 

On 27th September 2018, the patient’s mother reported more than 75% improvement in her condition. The relief from all her other symptoms was better. The patient was comfortable in eating and drinking her diet, and her breathing had also become comfortable.

On 18th November 2018, the patient’s mother informed of a good control over her condition and improvement in her condition, except for the blocking sensation and mild tinnitus for 10 days. A very good improvement was reported in the relief from all the symptoms. The patient’s mother was satisfied with the result.
The patient is still continuing the medicine for further improvement.

This case illustrates that homeopathy offers a great relief from adenoids and tonsillitis effectively and safely without any side-effects.

Written by, Dr. Priyanka, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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