He pleaded for a combined strategy to address the hair fall and the dandruff, as they were interdependent.

Mr. B.Z aged 28 years (Patient Identification Number 10030) was suffering from hair fall since 6 months. He started loosing hair diffusely after recovering from Typhoid. (Telogen Effluvium). He was frustrated as one after the other he was suffering. He was sad and depressed. He was searching on internet for effective treatment there by, he came across our website. He found our website informative and reliable. So, he visited Life Force on 2nd October 2007 for hair fall treatment. His case was taken in detail. He would loose around 50-100 hair strands in a day. There was receding hairline. He was also suffering from dandruff. He was worried about his hair fall and receding hairline as he was getting married in the next few months. He was using nizoral shampoo for his dandruff. He would feel uneasy, if he did not use the shampoo every day. He attributed the hair falling to this frequent use of shampoo; however he had no way where he could control the dandruff. Only nizoral seemed to help, but at the cost of hair loss. When he met Dr Shah he pleaded for a combined strategy to address the hair fall and the dandruff, as they were interdependent. His appetite was average. There were marked cravings for spicy foods. His sleep and bowel was normal. He would perspire profusely all over the body. He was a software engineer. He was very friendly by nature. He would love to be in company. He would love to travel in different places. He was irritable and short tempered. He would get irritated when someone used to contradict him. He would express his agitation by shouting. He was unpredictable; one moment he will be very sad and gloomy and the other moment he will be happy and cheerful. Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case details and prescribed his researched based medicines along with his constitutional treatment. After 2 months of medications his hair fall reduced by 50%. His dandruff reduced significantly. He stopped using nizoral shampoo. After 4 months of medications his hair fall reduced by 70%. By this time his hair fall reduced from 50-100 to around 30-50 hair strands per day. His receding hairlines were controlled. After 7 months of treatment there was complete recovery from hair fall and dandruff. He was advised to use a herbal shampoo, once in a week.

Uploaded on 4th January 2012 by Dr.VPG

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