Stock Market Trader Finds An Excellent Recovery From Urticaria With Homeopathy

Mr. R.P. (PIN: 27901) visited Chembur branch on 7th February 2016 with the complaint of urticaria which he was suffering from the last 10 years. He would get itching and redness on the whole body, particularly on his neck, but there were no hives or angioedema. The frequency of his urticaria used to be once in 2-3 months, and it would last for 2-3 days. His complaints would get aggravated whenever he would eat anything sour or when he would eat cucumbers. He would feel better by applying the cold water on his affected body areas. Besides this, he was also experiencing the dryness of eyes. He would take anti-histamines whenever he would get urticaria.

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Mr. R.P. also had complainants of Tinnitus, an Underactive thyroid, and Hyperlipidemia for which he was taking conventional medicines.

He would crave for milk and sweets, and he also liked to eat sour food but he could not eat it due to the urticaria. He would not easily sweat and could not bear the hot climate.

Mr. R.P. was staying with his wife and son. His daughter was married and settled. His parents resided with his younger brother.

His father had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. His mother was suffering from urticaria, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hearing loss.

Mr. R.P. had a happy childhood. He was into the stock market. As a person, he was confident, expressive, and polite. He loved to be physically active, and hence he loved to go to the gymnasium as it used to refresh him. He was a workaholic and even dreamt of a business. He does not like overcrowded areas. He was very punctual about time.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed his research-based molecules for urticaria.

In the first follow-up itself on 18th March 2016, the patient was 80% better.

By 8th December 2016, the patient said that his urticaria had completely vanished and there had been no episodes affecting him since the start of the treatment.

On 22nd February 2017, the patient reported saying that his urticaria had relapsed again from a week, but he could not find the cause. Probably, it was due to the gap in medicines. Dr. Shah went through the details and revised the medicines of the patient.

On 29th September 2017, the patient said that he was very happy as there were no episodes affecting him from a long time, although he had eaten out and tried eating foods which used to aggravate his urticaria before.

The patient continued with the medicines as he had no anxiety or fear of developing the rashes while taking the medicines.

A year later 31st August 2018, he again visited us with urticaria, which he was suffering just from the last two days. The patient felt this could be due to stress as he had been traveling a lot due to business. Dr. Shah revised his medicines, and he is doing absolutely fine since then.

From a frequency of urticaria, which was once in 2-3 months, got reduced to once a year. The duration of urticaria got reduced to just one day that used to be 2-10 days in the past.

The patient is very happy with the treatment and still wants to continue it further. Now, he can eat sour food, which he loves to eat, without having to worry about developing urticaria, and he no more needs to depend on antihistamines for relief.

This case illustrates that homeopathy can treat urticaria effectively and safely without any side-effects. Homeopathy offers great relief from discomfort resulting due to urticaria and reduces and eliminates the dependency on antihistamines.

Written by Dr. Chetali, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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