Excellent Recovery From Psoriasis With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 42-year-old man, Mr. V.S. (PIN: 26485) visited Life Force on 12th August 2015 with the complaints of psoriasis.

He was suffering from psoriasis since 2009. He had developed small raised lesions on the maximum area of his body. Majorly, his scalp was affected by dandruff and itching. Dryness, itching, and scaling were his prominent complaints, and his complaints used to turn worse due to the stress. 

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He had taken homeopathic and conventional treatment earlier but had got no significant relief. So, he stopped all the medicines for three months before starting the treatment. Currently, he was only on multivitamins with no external applications.

Physical Generals:

He was a non-vegetarian and had an average physical structure. He had a strong liking for spicy food and fish. He had the habit of consuming alcohol once in a month. His appetite and sleep were normal.

He was working in Reliance Industries as a civil engineer. His wife was a homemaker with two children i.e. a son and a daughter. His son was 6 years old, and his one daughter was 3 years old.

He was a short-tempered and irritable person, and he had a lot of work pressure.

In family medical history, his father was a tuberculosis patient, and his mother was diabetic. His sister had an underactive thyroid. He had no major past medical history. 

His current weight was 77.1 kgs.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed him research-based medicines for every six weeks.


After two months of the homeopathic treatment in November 2015, there was almost 30% improvement in his relief from the scaling and redness.

In February 2016, there was an 80% improvement in his recovery from the lesions on his body, but no major relief from his complaints of the scalp.

After four months of further treatment in June 2016, his relief from the complaints of psoriasis got 95% better.

The patient was better for one year, and then he experienced a relapse in June 2017 due to the change of weather/stress. The revised medicines were given to the patient.

After further homeopathic treatment in January 2018, the patient was 99% better.

The patient is on medications but he has experienced no complaints of relapses even in the last one year due to the change of weather or any triggering factor.

This noteworthy improvement in the recovery from psoriasis in such cases is not only in the terms of relief from the symptoms but also with regards to preventing the relapses which the patient was suffering earlier.

Homeopathy works incredibly in such difficult cases of psoriasis and also controls the relapses without making the patient dependent on steroids or immunosuppressants. Thus, homeopathy is highly effective in treating psoriasis remarkably and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Renuka, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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